Friday, March 17, 2006

March 17

Ironic: A man shot and killed one of three suspects who attacked him in the Cross Keys parking lot. (Cross Keys was Baltimore's first gated community, so-named because it was supposed to be the epitome of security. Oh well.)

Nine months after her death, homicide detectives are asking the public's help to solve the murder of 64-year-old Shirley Chisley.
What a relief: Irvin Merritt, who stabbed his girlfriend to death, was apprehended, as was Daniel Blackston, wanted for shooting Mitchell Briggs Jr.

Two police officers stumbled upon a patch of pot in Waverly.

Teen Norman Hairston, 17, was arrested for bringing a .22 to Glen Burnie High.

A great story about Liz and her blog.


Anonymous said...

Finally!! Police getting the job done. Way to go guys, keep accidently doing your job!!

Anonymous said...

DC my article ran today... on the front page. Story was ok, the arraignment was somewhat as expected.. good to hear about the arrest of the guy who slit the girfriend's throat as well, I at one time lived not too far from that neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

I just hope the drug bust holds up to 4th Amendment challenge. It might enlarge the scope of circumstances under Md. vs. Buie.

Anonymous said...

No lie this morning I had to call the po po to come recover 4 vials of crack and a crackpipe laying in a bed of 3-leaf clovers next to the bus stop this morning. 311 transfered me to the fire department for a hazardous materials pickup and they said "Why are you calling us?". When I explained I was transferred they transferred me to a supervisor at 911 who said, "No, the fire department is supposed to handle that but I'll send an officer now". I admit, I did sorta worry I'd be arrested for reporting it. But the officer was kindly.

Si Fitz said...

I'm sure your gonna see this when you sign on "and Galt will pee his pants with excitement"
Man Fatally Shoots Attacker at cross keys

Anonymous said...

I don't much like the idea of handguns, but in my neighborhood I'm just about the only non-shut-in who doesn't have one when on the street. My understanding is that the shooter was occupationally authorized to carry.

The idea of just blowing the lil' f#@kers away does have tremendous appeal on a strictly emotional level, however.

Anonymous said...

BTW, the Census dept. advises that Balto. City lost another 1% of its population, which means that ceteris paribus, our crime rate is another percent higher as well.

I'm told Mayor McCheese disputes the statistic, but then again, shouldn't he just keep his frickin' mouth shut on that subject ?

Anonymous said...

So, Baltimore is 34% empty, relative to its occupancy maximum in about 1950. Every third house is vacant, and 40% are either vacant or contain drug addicts.

In the middle of a housing bubble, with suburban houses selling for $300,000, ya just can't get viable people to live in this dump. I wonder why? Lousy architecture? Nope. The lack of in-ground pools? Nope.

It's the public environment: the crime and ignorance. The tax rate don't help none, neither.

Just imagine what Baltimore could be if you'd just lock up those hoodlums and put a marine in charge of public school disciplinary issues.

Maurice Bradbury said...

Call the fire department about the crack?! Oy Vay! So what did the officer do with it once he got there? (And does it really look like macadamia nuts?)

Speaking of the flight, I just closed on a house this morning. I can put up with the drug dealing, street fights, drunks, etc etc, but it doesn't seem fair that the daughter has to be locked in the house. It's not safe for her to walk to the mailbox, much less play outside (the ONE TIME I let her play in the back yard while I was in the kitchen there was a pedophile at the fence within literally minutes. I came flying out of the house and Creepy said, "do you mind if I watch your daughter play? She's beautiful." EEEEEK! Fortunately, my neighbor, who'd just gotten out of jail for assault and has a self-admitted rage problem, chased him away with a two-by-four).

Once you realize that private school is between $10,000- $18,000 a year, house prices in ok school districts actually make financial sense. And a zip code with no pedophiles? Priceless.

Anonymous said...

Well, now, I said crack but who knows what it was because it did not look like macadamia nuts. I assumed it was crack because of the pipe which was just a glass tube with burn marks on it and some residue inside. The vials were about maybe as long as the end of your index finger, glass, skinny, full of white powder, so maybe it was "herron".

Officer put some rubber gloves on and placed it in a bag after I flagged him down. I felt a little bad but I had to get to work and so I waived at the first officer who drove by. He waived back and kept driving but then after another block he slowed down and turned around and came back.

Congrats on the house.