Thursday, January 11, 2007

January 11

Marcus McDowell, 16, homicide #10, was killed while trying to help a friend who was being robbed.
11. Rodney Gardner, 21, 3100 Ravenowood(sp?) Road
12. Gregory Rochester, 25, 200 block of E. 25th Street
13. William Davis, 26, 1200 block of N. Caroline Street
14. Antwaine Curbeam, 30, 5200 block of York Road
15. Melissa Stefanski, 23, 600 block of Washburn Ave.
Dixon and Hamm are going to have a meeting, and Judge Glynn is forming a committee.
Ever get the feeling there could be 15 people left alive in the city, and the solution would still be a combination of meetings, committees and study groups?

Police are still seeking the two men who shot a cab driver in Brooklyn, one with a "'snake-shot' weapon."

A CA woman was indicted for bringing 77 pounds of khat through BWI (which, I hear from a friend in airport security at a more cosmopolitan hub, is an extremely common find-- most flights from Africa come with at least one passenger with a "big, light bag full of what looks like hedge clippings." Many people don't know it's illegal, and most of the time security just throws it out.)


ppatin said...

Maybe we should link the pay of city officials to their performance. Dock $100 from the police commisioner's paycheck for every murder in the city, and make the State's Attorney's salary proportional to the average length of each violent felony conviction. The more time that scumbags do in prison, the more Pat Jessamy gets paid.

Emptyman said...

You know, Khat is not a scheduled substance in Maryland. At least not the last time I saw one tried. Maybe they've fixed the law since then.

ppatin said...

From Wikipedia:

"In the United States, Cathine is in Schedule IV and cathinone is in Schedule I of the U.S. Controlled Substance Act. The 1993 DEA rule placing cathinone in Schedule I noted that it was effectively also banning khat:

Cathinone is the major psychoactive component of the plant Catha edulis (khat). The young leaves of khat are chewed for a stimulant effect. Enactment of this rule results in the placement of any material which contains cathinone into Schedule I. "

Anonymous said...

Dixon of crime per ABC

she says the citizens have to show their outrage

If we don't show outrage do the killings continue? I thought that one of the basic functions of government was to secure the safety of its citizens. why would Dixon invite this apon her office? either she hasn't a clue as to government's role or she is prepared to shift blame to the BCP or SA.

Malnurtured Snay said...

Happy Birthday, B.C.!

John Galt said...

I thought the Dixon comment was provocative.

Like, am I too subdued in my OUTRAGE ????

Should I perceive an invitation to publicly rant ??

Emptyman said...

Dixon mayor for 15 minutes and now the murders are her fault, too. As I've posted before: Jesus Christ could be elected mayor of this city and we would still have 250-300 murders a year. I used to think that there was only one way to drastically reduce the number of homicides in the city of Baltimore -- legalize drugs. Now I'm not sure even that would work, because there is a street culture that says one must respond to every perceived slight, no matter how trivial, with lethal violence. If you don't shoot the person whom someone said gave you a "hard look" last week, you will be perceived as "weak" and will be victimized forever. So the murder rate won't go down significantly until the culture changes. And how do you do that? I have no clue, but I strongly suspect that it has nothing to do with whoever is the mayor or the police commissioner.

And thanks, ppatin, for the update on the scheduling of khat.

kris said...

Nawleans residents march on city hall because of a spike in violent crime. 9 people dead down there since the new year. That's a walk in the park compared to us, hmm?

ppatin said...

I think one way to bring down the murder rate would be to stiffen penalties for violent felons. Something like 80% of murderers in the city already have convictions for violent crimes. Clearly our justice system is releasing people who are still a danger to society. Of course, that's really more in the hands of the State's Attorney and the court system than the mayor.

Anonymous said...

"WE NEED A LOT MORE POLICE! WE NEED THEM TO BE WALKING AROUND, NOT CRUISING BY IN THEIR FRIGGIN CARS! WHEN YOU ARREST SOME SCUMBAG ROBBING SOMEBODY AND CARRYING A WEAPON, EVEN JUST ONCE, THEY NEED TO GO TO JAIL FOR 5 TO 10 YEARS!! Or buy more patrol cars.. and park them on Charles street "totally empty" for 8 hr shifts to deter criminals from harming the poor FOLKS over in BALTIMORE A. I think i've seen atleast three empty patrol cars across the street from those $$$ apts between St.Paul and Charles .... Give them the empty cars and give us foot patrols over here at Jefferson and Kenwood thank you!!!

John Galt said...

They're absolutely right about the need for Committees and meetings.

I propose that the Tar Subcommittee and the Feathering Subcommittee meet up at City Hall jointly to present their Outrage to the new Administration.

ppatin said...

The feds got fairly hefty sentences for four guys who robbed a bank last year. If only our state judicial system was capable of doing the same thing.

John Galt said...

It does, in other counties.

On the subject of Baltimores A and B, you have to know where they bound. Jaime, I'm inferring that you're living in Mid-Charles Village. The hazard line doesn't run north-south in CV, but from southwest to northeast. Therefore, if you were down by, say, 27th the 'hood starts much further west than if you look along 30th street. You are probably right around the magic boundary, even if you thought you'd moved into a 'good' neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

I wish more people could read that article on Marcus McDowell so they can see not all young males killed in the city are drug related

kris said...

Question. You have #12 listed as Greg Rochester and yet in an earlier post you have #12 listed as Detective Troy Lamont Chesley Sr. Wouldnt that have the total homicide at 16 and not 15? Which is which? I'm confused.

Maurice Bradbury said...

I'm going on the assumption that the report of the death of the teenager on Belnord (#4) turned out to be false (or at least premature).
If I wasn't on deadline and burned out I'd make a call and try to find out for sure, but... gotta know when to say when sometimes.
Maybe if Anna Ditkoff is reading she can tell us.