Saturday, January 20, 2007

January 20

More on Thursday's murder/suicide [18] on North Calhoun Street.
Fox reported last night that the eight-year-old daughter was the one who called the police.

Jemini Jones: "I never had sexual intercourse with that woman."

The civil-rights lawsuit against the city goes on. Former Baltimore Police Internal Affairs Chief Zeinab Rabold testified that she found a dead rat and racist flier on her car.

A teenaged suspect was shot to death by MoCo Police.

City cops are searching for an aging queen, European playboy or other "fashion-conscious gentleman" who burgled Gian Marco Menswear.

The scrunchie has left the building: top jailer Mary Ann Saar is out, and Gary Maynard, 63, is in! (Isn't it unusual to hire someone who's two years from retirement?)
Back by popular demand, the stolen Pug link.
The Pikesville Molotov cocktail is none too comforting, either ...

[mocking of Mike Schuh deleted out of respect for the dead]


John Galt said...

Good morning, Baltimore.

Well, it's happened again.

Another young man, a friend of mine, was murdered this morning.

He made the fatal mistake of buying food at a local corner store, on the way back from which he was shot.

And your politicians continue their useless bullsh!t with no intention of ever doing a damn thing about all the known violent offenders at large. Idiots.

F#@k them. All of them. Meanwhile, I have yet another funeral to attend to. His mother doesn't yet understand what's happened. Perhaps Mayor Dixon can explain the logic of it. I cannot.

Anonymous said...

Galt, I'm sorry for your loss.

ppatin said...

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I hope that they catch the killer.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your friend. My prayers are with the family... i've been there and it sucks

Maurice Bradbury said...

So sorry.
For you, for his family, who most likely will never find out who did it (and will not be comforted to hear it was probably "drug related"), or, should anyone ever be caught, will be victimized all over again by postponement after postponement and lost evidence... only to see the killer serve single-digit years if convicted.

I can see how people get religious-- there's no such thing as justice on the ground.

John Galt said...

Understand, Anton was no dealer. He was getting take-out food last night. He has no criminal history. About a year ago I was stabbed on my way back from a sub shop, which then closed.

You cannot go out. Public space in Baltimore not only 'seems' unsafe. It is. And I was out on those streets at the same time he was last night. This time, he got snake eyes. Guess I'm next.

Rational agoraphobia, only in Baltimore.