Monday, January 22, 2007

January 22

19-year-old Anton Jones Jr. has been identified as the 20th muder victim in the city. According to Galt, he had no criminal history and was guilty of nothing more than going grocery shopping.

Welcome to Baltimore, the city where a chauffered-at-gunpoint crime spree warrants 131 words in the Blotter. On top of that, two other shootings and a stabbing.

The State's Attorney's Office is questioning the effectiveness of the blue light cameras.

Closing arguments are scheduled today for Jemini Jones' case.

In Queen Anne's county, sentencing is scheduled for Christopher Tribbitt, a former physical education teacher who is charged with molesting a 12-year-old girl.

If you want a tattoo in Westminster, you'd better get it quick.

A good article about how two people can make a difference.


Maurice Bradbury said...

"I think telling someone that you’d been kidnapped and receiving a look of absolutely no concern is a unique New York City experience."
You're wrong about that, Stanley Alpert!

ppatin said...

I wonder what someone from PA was doing driving around North Ave. at midnight.

taotechuck said...

The same thing crossed my mind, P, but 1200 W. North Ave. is close enough to MICA and the JFX that a legitimate art school party or wrong exit would explain being there.

Or, it could've been some out-of-town dumbass who was trying to score some heroin and got more than they bargained for.

burgersub said...

nobody who lives in pennsylvania could possibly have friends or family that live in west baltimore, right?

Anonymous said...

that story about the Dupree's is great. I'd love to have or even start something like that in Remington, but especially in summertime, when there aren't many things going for kids.

Oh on another note, I was harrassed IN MY HOME just about 45 minutes ago by some of Baltimore's finest...why you ask?

Because my husband witnessed what really happened to Dexter Hill, who was killed by a BCPD goon...

They tried the good cop bad cop routine but the bad one really pissed me off and the other one patronized me like I was an idiot... anone ever heard of a body attachment for a court case that hasn;t started yet? Sounds weird to me

I'm freakin pissed at the way i was treated and I swear this is why I have such a negative outlook on cops.. I know there are good ones, but with assholes like these, can you not see why I feel the way i do?

Maurice Bradbury said...

A body attachment?
What does that mean, exactly? They follow him everywhere?
Of course I can see it -- there are some (hell, a lot of) really bad apples out there.

Anonymous said...

I mean, is it legal? a body attachment is basically a warrant for a person...

But my thing is... how can they get one if the stated case hasn't started yet?

I've been on hold with legal aid for about 30 minutes. This crap is really scary. I don't particularly appreciate being harrased by 2 dumb asses who treated me as if I was a criminal, threatened to kick in my door and then when Isaid excuse you to one who threatened to push in my door he said " I don't wanna hear your bullshit"

After that I am in the right state of mind to lose all faith in police. This shit sucks and now I'm scared to leave the house for fear they will kick in my door while I'm not home and no one will be accountable.

Anonymous said...

B - Big
C - Cocky
P - Pushy
D - Dumbasses

burgersub said...

wait, back up. why are the cops bugging you? who is (was?) dexter hill?

InsiderOut said...

i suppose they could issue a body attachment for a witness to appear before a grand jury to testify before a case has been indicted

Anonymous said...

Yes they can get a body attachment and they can also make you appear before the grand jury to give testimony if you have possible information regarding a pending case. If you lie under oath you can likewise be charged with perjury.

Anonymous said...

My husband has already been in front of the grand jury. Dexter Hill was killed in 2004 in East Baltimore by Mark Walrath... my husband was walking home from a corner store coming through the back alley and actually saw what happened.

We talked to the lawyers handling the case for Hill's family and they said that no one should have come to see us, there are no warrants, body attachments etc....

They also told the judge... the case is starting but my husband only needs to be there when he testifies... the lawyers have kept us up to date and he isn't needed yet.

Luckily, the lawyer let the judge know what happened and the defense was told that if anymore harrasment occurs it will be to their disbenefit and she will not tolerate it.

Anonymous said...

I am confused why does Hill's family have a lawyer? This is a criminal case, correct? Your husband witnessed Hill being killed and your in contact with the defense?? I must have missed something.

Anonymous said...

"[A]rrests generated by the cameras are less likely to result in charges than normal police arrests, according to the first full-year of data about the program."

It's because in many of the cases, there is no video... and it makes the juries wonder, "where is the video?" The officer is available to come in and testify as to what he was watching via CCTV, but without the video... it makes the jury wonder.

Further, when there is a video, many times it doesn't reflect what the officers wrote they saw while monitoring the CCTV.

The cameras are a bunch of BS. The city should get a few that actually work, move them around, and put fake ones up all over the place to deter crime.

burgersub said...

also i really like the cops constantly saying that crime has gone down significantly in the areas where there are cameras.

ok, i actually believe that. what i want to know is, how much has the crime gone up in the areas just out of range of the cameras?

Anonymous said...

This is not a criminal case... the family is suing Walrath and BCPD... the defense was told not to contact anyone regarding this, well told under no circumstances would harrasment be tolerated...

the family has hired Dwight A Pettit's firm and the Johnny Cochran firm out of D.C... it's a wrongeful death case, the officer was axquitted in criminal court.

Just a few facts from the criminal case... there were 2 witnesses who saw ir... they claimed Mr Hill was swinging a board of a vacant rowhouse window which was at least 2' x 3'.. in a yard thats about 3' by 3'... barely enough room for the board.. they presented a replica of the size board at the scene... unless your the hulk you weren't swingin that board... along with the fact the testimony of the officer changed somewhat....

There are a lot of factors against him, but we're in baltimore where the criminals go free and the innocent are made to suffer yet another day

Anonymous said...

Here's an update.. I just spoke to someone from CID and to one of the lawyer's from the Hill family... now I have to go to court tomorrow morning and tell the judge what happened... apparently this judge is PISSED!