Friday, June 13, 2008

June 13

Annie wrote a mighty good story on Harry Goodman, the man who shot a robber in his Charles Village dry cleaner shop.

The man who was killed on Bonner Rd. on Monday has been ID'd as Kenneth Cooper Jones. Also in the Blotter, an armed banana thief and his woman are on the loose on the Southeastern.

Jeanine Alice Blackwell, the mother who allegedly drowned her newborn baby in a West Baltimore toilet, is already at Jessup and will be hit with murder, child abuse, and drug charges.

The Annapolis mother who pimped out her 16-year-old daughter got... uh... well, she didn't really get shit, now did she?

A burning man was found behind a house in North Baltimore this morning.

Nakita McDaniels is goin' to juvie.

One of the two little kids who were shot during a drive-by at a West Baltimore apartment complex has been released from the hospital. Lucky guy, now he gets to go back to the West Baltimore apartment complex where gang members shoot at little kids.

One of the teenagers who was shot by HoCo police during a Jessup drug sting won't be charged with any crimes.

Damned peace lovin' hippies and their stupid peaceful protests. Forcing the state to do all that pesky surveillance.

When you read the headline "Fox Tests Positive for Rabies" on the WJZ web site, do you think they're referring to a cute animal or to a competitor?


Unknown said...

Rodricks is all in a snit that the Hon fest is patronizing and condescending to the working class of bmore, but I say, hey we have to take what we can get! It helps business, and people have fun. Would Rodricks prefer the "20 years for first degree murder suspend all but 11 months fest"?

Unknown said...

We could also do a "Burning Man" Fest like they do up in the pacific northwest, although I don't think theirs involves heavy participation from the coroner's office.

Unknown said...

(Sorry for the typos)

Maurice Bradbury said...

heh heh, Harold = funny.

Speaking of rabid Foxes, fuck Fox news. Have you heard the crap they've been saying about "Obama's Baby Mama"? How about the crude Heath Ledger jokes?
The "terrorist fist jab"?

There's news, there's opinion, and then there's just being a big a-hole.

burgersub said...

i agree with rodricks about hon fest, plus even if it weren't condescending, it's still corny and stupid. and hampden does already have another festival (it's called "hampden fest") that doesn't cater exclusively to people from owings mills who want to slum it for a weekend.

graham said...

I propose a "Jessamy Fest" where all of the violent criminals who were essentially given free passes by the SA's Office and avoided prosecution get to hang out in front of the nice house at 4000 Roundtop Rd, Baltimore MD 21218. Pat and Marge will be on hand to offer advice on "blaming the victim", "avoiding the murder rap", and "staying employed while incompetent" and many other valuable life lessons.

Mr. Mephistopheles said...


Yeah, fuck Fox News, and fuck the self-loathing Michelle Maglalang Malkin for justifying the use of "baby mama". I guess she forgot about the discrimination that her Filipino parents faced when they moved to the US.

And fuck Steve Douchy too. Before he became a racist Rupert Murdoch lapdog, he was covering weiner dog races and getting pied in the face at Channel 4 in DC.

Maurice Bradbury said...

This just in: "John Waters Swears Off The Word 'Hon'"

"Waters describes the term as "used up" and the people who participate in the festival as "condescending.""

Anonymous said...

Why no word on the Zach Sowers comments?:
Story Here

Bmore said...

why wasnt an autopsy performed? What happen to Zach is a tragedy, i just think that other victims in Baltimore should recieve the same kind attention,although i guess most of it came from the dedication and love of his wife. I just think its even more of a trgedy when a 17 year old kid gets gunned down in broad daylight and no one cares.

graham said...

bmore: Why would there be an autopsy performed? Other then butchering up someone who has already suffered far more then he deserved to, it would not serve any purpose whatsoever. Perhaps if the SA hadn't had her thumb up her ass the entire time and actually looked out for the rights of the victim in this case, there would have been a reason to do an autopsy in order to further substantiate a murder conviction. But since Jessamy chose to go with the plea bargain/wrist slap approach all to common in this dysfunctional city, I fully agree with Anna and Zach's family to spare Zach the autopsy. And yes, if there was more outrage at other violent crimes, then perhaps the SA's Office would be forced to do their job rather then point fingers at the victims and spew slanderous crap to the media.

Mr. Mephistopheles said...

As much as I'm outraged, I'm not really surprised that one of PJ's minions would attack Anna Sowers for declining an autopsy. PJ has always had a condescending attitude towards Anna. Case in point: PJ spoke at our police district's meeting in Nov 2007. When Anna dared to criticize PJ's handling of Trayvon Ramos' case, PJ curtly replied, "If you have a problem with the Constitution, then my office can't help you!"

Bitch is too nice of a word to describe PJ.

Bmore said...

im not familiar with autopsys so i wasnt sure if its always recommended or not, thats why i posed that question...

graham said...

bmore: I'm really not sure if it's normally recommended or not--it's just the hypocrisy of the SA's Office coping a plea deal that precludes later murder charges and then turning around and criticizing Anna when she declines a (now) pointless autopsy that ticks me off. So didn't mean to direct that rant at you if that's how it came off....

Bmore said...


its cool, thole whole situation is f***ed up

Bmore said...


on another note, something tends to really PISS me off,and thats loud obnoxious teenage girls who think they rule the world....thought ide share that

gmd said...

OK, I'll take the bait. Is the driveby attack on Anna by PJ's office driven by a bit of racial animosity? The media likes to paint a picture in terms of black and white, but certain attitudes exist which fly below the radar. Anna was able to do things that the family of no other victim has been able to do in this town in a long time, and I don't think this went unnoticed.

John Galt said...

Baltimore needs people to stick their necks out further for the City That Doesn't.

John Galt said...

And merchants in Charles Village increasingly want to arm themselves because they're sick and tired of being victimized by Baltimore's hoodlums.

John Galt said...

And a viewer survey on WJZ asking

"Is It Appropriate For Store Owners To Arm Themselves To Protect Their Business?"

found 91% support.

Winston Smith said...

As a physician, little if any information would be obtained from an autopsy nine months after an injury like Zacks. Any evidence of the injuries would be gone and the brain tissue would only show diffuse axonal injury. Any other pre-existing condition or fatal brain condition would have been easily seen on MRI scans which I am sure Zack recieved during his long hospitalization. This spokesperson for the prosecuters office needs to lose her job. There is no reason why she should be commenting on cases that are over and in particular discussing the manegment of the end of life in a crime victim. Finnaly if the prosecuters office wanted an autopsy, they could have gotten one and Anne would have had no say in it. Any patient who dies in the hospital from an injury outside the hospital needs to be referred to the state medical examiner for determination for need for an autopsy. This is a state law. I am sure this happened and the medical examiner was aperrently not interested in an autopsy.

Mr. Mephistopheles said...


Find the name of someone who was arrested for or convicted of murder in Balt City, then look up his name on MD Casesearch ( I guarantee that you'll find an extensive arrest history and that most of the cases were either not prosecuted ("nolle prossequi") or placed on stet (inactive). Then you will understand why law abiding citizens, of all colors, hate Pat Jessamy.

Unknown said...

Check this out regarding the dry cleaner shooting the scumbag "The mayor says authorities do not want to encourage this kind of self defense." after a note that another merchant was almost attacked and waited 30 minutes for the police. WHAT THE HELL do we have to do to remove these idiots, Dixon , Jessamy, et. al.? Having no mayor or states attorney at all would be better than these idiots. A city of criminals run by criminals.