Saturday, January 22, 2005

Welcome to Baltimore Crime

... a blog devoted to reporting crime, particularly violent and lifestyle crimes, in Baltimore city neighborhoods and surrounding areas. Please use "comment" to submit stories.


  1. Has anyone expressed an interest in the technical adequacy of current police manpower or the accuracy of published crime reports in this city? There are only about 1000 patrol officers to address the challenges of our over 30,000 active parole & probation offenders and their means of dealing with the excess demand for policing has been to squelch the lower-level crimes, which are generally not even reported, least of all in Compstat, from which the crime mapping is created. The adverse balance between post officers and ambient criminality, by the way, is the cause of the high number of spurious arrests: the number of incidents/conduct violations per officer per shift doesn't allow for very thorough procedure and the presence of so many violent offenders on the loose requires that officers double- and triple-up for backup purposes when conducting an arrest or stop. This very real potential hazard thins out the coverage past the limits of reason. We need a LOT more officers and the administration doesn't seem to be getting anywhere with that task, even rejecting the possibility that better compensation may be needed to timely fill the current vacancies.

  2. cyHow can any citys murder rate decrease, when you have assholes in power, that let these animals back out on the street.If there is no room in our jails,put to rset the ones that are in there for murder, and make room for the new ones, until they are put to rset. The judges are not doing there job. they must be getting paid off to let these animals back on the streets.
