Wednesday, March 23, 2005

March 23

Found an article that might explain why two people have been shot in the head on Chinquapin Parkway this year... apparently it's the territory of the local Bloods. If you're not familiar, the Bloods were founded in 1972 in Compton as a counterpoint to the Crips. Both are black gangs, but have been known to be affiliated with other groups, such as MS-13 (usually affiliated with the Crips and currently the most violent gang in DC, if not the country).

Bloods= the color red and bright colors, and red team jerseys, the right side, Biggie and L'il Kim, graffiti with the letter "C' crossed out, also "OTM" (out tha mob or on tha move) and "MOB" (member of bloods).

Crips= color blue and dark colors, left side, Suge, Snoop and Dre, symbol of the pitchfork, GD (Gangster Disciples), graffiti with Star of David, 8 ball, letter B crossed out, LA sports team gear, affiliated with the Latin Kings (last I heard).
In both gang$, u$e of the dollar $ign as an 's' means they're $elling narcotic$.

A 27-year-old Cheesecake Factory employee, Donta Allen, has been arrested for the murder of Hopkins student Linda Trinh. Police held a press conference at 4 p.m. today. The Washington Post reports that police took a DNA sample from Allen a month ago, and were waiting for test results to come back before arresting him.

Arrests, muggings, blah blah in the blotter.

Murder Ink tally: Four this week, 55 this year. And here's last week's.

And the Keith Jennings sexual assault trial has been postponed to May 31.

Cumbersome bloomers and petticoats will be things of the past if Annapolis passes a bill fighting "upskirting" and "downblousing".

In Montgomery county, 19-year-old high schooler Jose Carrillo is accused of pistol-whipping two classmates with a BB gun (mmm... pistol whip...).

Also in MoCo, 27-year-old Ofni Gonzalez is accused of arson.

Kithric Pearly, wanted for murder in Orlando, Florida, was arrested in Baltimore by our intrepid police.

Kenyatta Costes, 19, was paid $1,630 by Baltimore City yesterday after being jailed for 163 days after she failed to show up to testify at a murder trial.

Leonard D. Hamm was quietly sworn in as Baltimore's police commissioner on Monday.

The "cameras-in-shopping-mall-parking-lots" bill was passed.

Rachel L. Riffee was found guilty of misdemeanor electronic harrassment after sending obscenity-laced missives to the brother of a murder victim.

BoCo police are investigating the shooting of Steven McGilton, who was shot by an officer in White Marsh after brandishing a lead pipe.

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