Friday, April 29, 2005

Do You Want to be a Crime Blogger?

Do you have what it takes to be the Baltimore crime blogger? Do you:

  • feel that news sources in Baltimore should do a better job of providing comprehensive and balanced coverage of Baltimore City's chronic crime problems?

  • Have about a spare hour a day?

  • read a lot of Baltimore news?

  • Know basic html (or care enough to learn)?

  • enjoy doing research and learning?

  • have half-decent writing skills?

...then maybe you're the next Baltimore Crime Blogger!
As much as I, Chococat, enjoy crime blogging and find it meaningful, both I am my co-author Claire have paying jobs and families, and it just isn't possible for one of us to blog every single day... but to provide the complete coverage Bmore deserves, the site needs daily reporting. If you'd like to pitch in for a day, a week, or periodically, drop a line to

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