Friday, June 3, 2005

Friday June 3

Just heard that a bartender from Molly's in Remington was shot and killed last night, but there's no word of it on the local news outlets. From what I understand it was a robbery and the guy was quite young.


Anonymous said...

The more recent post has his age wrong, even as it's linked to the Sun with his correct age. Sam was walking home from work at the Rendezvous Lounge and was ambushed at 26th and Miles. Neither he nor his girlfriend were robbed.

Anonymous said...

Again Molly had gossip not fact on her site and she has no idea what happened which is why she removed her post from her own blog. Sam was 30 years old and he was walking with his girlfriend but it was not an ambush, no one jumped out from behind a car. I cannot disclose details too much because it is still a pending investigation .

Anonymous said...

And btw it was on local news but his name wasn't released then.. it was on the June 2nd am news