Friday, June 10, 2005

June 10

samuelMore on Samuel Richardson (with his nephew, left) from officer Harris of the Baltimore Police office of Public Affairs: Richardson was 30, birthdate 6/29/74, who lived in the 2600 block of Hampden Avenue. He and his girlfriend were both employees of the Rendez-Vous and were closing up the bar on Thursday June 2 when he was shot multiple times. The shooting was not a robbery-- Richardson was definately the intended target. The girlfriend was not hurt. There have been no arrests made in the case.

gainesJermaine Gaines, 32, left, is facing gun charges related the fatal shooting last year of Officer Brian Winder, and police are protesting Circuit Judge Allen Schwait's ruling that they won't be allowed to attend the trial in uniform as spectators.

A former Coppin State student, Rodman Durham, has been convicted of murdering three bar employees in Washington.

Relatives of 22-year-old Thomas Martin, shot by a transit cop last year, have filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against the city. Says Fox, "Martin was shot and killed last July in the parking lot of a convenience store in east Baltimore. He was a passenger in a car whose driver, according to police, tried to run over a mother and child after a five-mile car chase."

In Rockville, former U.S. Marshall Arthur Lloyd has been convicted of manslaughter, reckless endangerment and handgun charges in the death of Navy Seaman Ryan Stowers.

In Towson, 41-year-old Web Designer (and former owner of Atomic Books) Scott Huffines scott huffinespleaded guilty Tuesday to misuse of electronic mail. Reports channel 2, "He admitted entering his supervisor's e-mail address on Web sites without her knowledge last year -- hoping she'd be irritated by a flood of spam messages from dating services and other sites." The story has hit the AP Wire (!) Says the Ap story, "the case was unusual because Huffines didn't send the e-mails himself, but arranged to have them sent. An advocacy group says it's the first time a 'spamming by proxy' case has be been prosecuted."

In more frivolous news, a family may sue McDonough for witholding their son's diploma because he wore a bolo tie to graduation.


Anonymous said...

Anyone who works/worked at MPT knows the case is slightly more complex than what reported.his charge was for sending religious emails. In their eagerness to alert the press the Attorney General's site wrote a release laden with innacuracies.
Love your site, balto-crime-blogger!
Ms. Mole

Anonymous said...

Huffines was framed! Long live Scott!

Anonymous said...

WBAL, who broke the Huffines story and misreported on it has an article on their site glorifyign office pranks!

Does anyone else notice the hypocrisy?

Anonymous said...

I guess not all blogs suck weenies-this one's intersting. And I suppose this is the same Claire from "House of Dismay"? I like that blog too! Anyways I'm linking to this blog under my "Crime" category of links. As a fiction writer, I'm intrigued by Crime, true crime or untrue crime. One of my good old friends is a crime writer. Wrote about the "Shotgun Killer" that stalked Adams Morgan in DC, among others. As a cyberpunk science fiction fan, I'm coming to realize that "crime" is an important aspect of the cyberpunk subgenre. Or course, Tarot Card reading is a legitimate business and has nothing to do with crime or criminality (lest anyone think otherwise).

Anonymous said...

I'd like to note that @June 11th a young man was shot and rendered brain dead. i only know this because it was my fiancee's cousin. Not 1 word in the mainstream media, which would make it impossible for us to know unless somehow connected. It's a shame all the tragedy that goes on in this city and next to no one notices.