Tuesday, June 14, 2005

June 14 - Happy Flag Day!

Anthony Williams got 30 years for strangling Tamaria Hughes, a crossing guard and mother of four.

Holy Moly! I'm very sad to hear that left-wing activist and perpetual socialist contender A. Robert Kaufman was stabbed in his West Baltimore home during a dispute that sounds unrelated to his political activities. He's in critical condition at the University of Maryland Hospital. Kaufman, the Wild Bill Hagy of Baltimore politics, was also quite the old-world gentleman. We danced at a City Paper Best-of-Baltimore party once and he was quite spry. He's kept social issues in the conversation in elections in Baltimore since your sister drove an i-Roc and has remained a devoted public servant even though no one ever elected him to an office. He really typifies Baltimore's DIY in-your-face balls-to-the-walls ethos, in the best possible way. So here's hoping he pulls through.

This study from Hopkins shows that laws banning specific categories of guns indeed have an effect: Marylanders now get shot with more realiable, quality weapons. And speaking of crime reduction theories, I can't wait to get this book in the mail: That's Ralph Taylor's "Breaking Away from Broken Windows: Baltimore Neighborhoods and the Nationwide Fight Against Crime, Grime, Fear, and Decline."

Patty Jessamy will testify with victim advocates today at 3:00 p.m. before a rules session of the Maryland Court Appeals in Annapolis. The Court of Appeals is considering a decision regarding the public, electronic release of victim and witness personal data maintained in the state's judicial electronic court database. Says her office, Jessamy will urge the Court to block public electronic disclosure of victim and witness personal information in the interest of public safety. This same information is generally recorded in public court records unless access is restricted by the court.

How low can Baltimore's health and human services go? Well, troubled kids who refuse to go to group homes or mental instituations are sleeping on plastic chairs in the Department of Social Services with no pillows or blankets, being fed McDonald's.

Did Ehrlich fire state employees just because they weren't Republicans? Well, duh, isn't that what politicians always do when they get elected? Is that illegal or something?

From the vault: I just found this story about how Maryland's marijuana arrest rate hit a five-year high (har har) last year, with 89 percent of the arrests for possession, and the bulk of the increase coming from Baltimore city and county. The theory goes that cops don't go looking for pot, but they do the buy-bust operations where they arrest the street dealers, replace the dealers with undercover cops... then poor little potheads come wandering down the block to the party house to ask to borrow a cup of weed, and voila, pot bust. So never buy your weed from strangers, kids!

1 comment:

  1. Re: A. Robert Kaufman

    Where is Ramon Mercader when we need him?
