Thursday, June 16, 2005

June 16

Muhammed and Malvo have been indicted in Montgomery County. They were already tried and convicted of one murder each in Virginia.

A warrant on second-degree murder charges has been issued for Nelson Antonio "David" Rivera, 23, of Glen Burnie. Police say he killed Marco Tulio Nova Romero, 20.

Creepy... someone left a threatening note for Attorney General Joe Curran written on an obituary for businessman Robert Clay, who died under highly suspicious circumstances.

A. Robert Kaufman remains in serious but stable condition after being stabbed in the torso and throat by someone whom police think was a tenant in one of his rental properties.

Tuesday was an action-packed day for the city: seventeen-year-old Christopher Porter is wanted for first-degree murder in the May 15 shooting of Damon Aldridge, 22, in the 100 block of Diener Place. (Detecive Moses at Public Affairs is working on getting a photo). Detective Moses was cryptic when I asked him about the case. Was it drug-related, I asked? "Most of them are," he said. "Most of the shootings?" "Yes, but there's an old saying, you can't be a killer and a drug dealer also. It's just like any other business, location, location, location. When you're a killer you have to be on the run." I asked him if there was any truth to the rumor that younger and younger kids are being recruited into the drug trade because dealers know they'll be charged as juveniles. "Yes, juveniles definately deal drugs, but I haven't heard of them being used as killers. Yet."

At arraignment this morning, accused child rapist Charles Carroll pled not guilty. A trial date of August 11, 2005 was scheduled before Judge Allen Schwait. He's being defended by Warren Brown (who was also the defense attorney for Maurice Blackwell).

Don't want to be a crime victim? Then don't put your money in mutual funds. Go to Scottrade (not a plug, just an idea <- disclaimer ). and make your own trades in industries you know something about! And if you don't know or care to learn about business just put your money in a savings account, for Pete's sake! Mutual-fund managers are just rich pickpockets!

In Rockville, Antionette Sparks, the crazy lady who went on a rampage with homemade knives at the Nordstrom May 25 was indicted for attempted murder and some other stuff.

...not Baltimore, but too horrifying not to mention dept: in Pennsylvania a woman is accused of shooting her "boyfriend" in the head and blinding him.

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