Thursday, June 2, 2005

June 2

Say what? Another inmate in the Md. system is dead. Glen Hawkins, 35, made a gurgling sound and died in a holding cell, say police.

A Baltimore City jury convicted Keith Jennings today of one count of perverted practice. The jury acquitted him of all other counts. Perverted practice carries a maximum possible prison sentence of 10 years. Judge Paul Alpert scheduled sentencing for 2 p.m. on June 30.

A story about some cold cases that have been solved recently.

As we hit the midway point of 2005, the body count officially stands at 102.

The city's spent $45,900 buying back guns.

Hide your blow... Jamal Lewis is out of the can!

And speaking of Baltimore criminals serving time in Florida, the City Paper's cover story this week is a very sensitive interview with "Eddie" Norris.

The Bail Review of Keyone Dillon is today. Dillon was scheduled for bail review this morning at 11 Central Booking (Part 40). She is in group #3 - Investigator Maria Christian's group. Judge Weinstein is presiding. On Monday, May 31, 2005 Dillon, 14, allegedly approached 15-year-old Shatina Quinn with a black kitchen knife and yelling, "who wants to fight me?" as she waived the knife in Quinn's face. Quinn attempted to push the knife away at which time Dillon stabbed her in the chest. She remains in shock trauma.

As of 2 p.m., both the State and the defense rested their cases in the trial of alledged rapist cop Keith Jennings.

Did you hear claws being sharpened in midtown today? It was just a budget meeting between Jessamy and O'Malley.

Down in College Park, a guy named Mr. Bland in food services has been charged with e-mailing a bomb threat to the school, which Bland is now claiming was a 'joke.' Ha. Ha.

By the way, does anyone know how to add a search feature for a blog?

1 comment:

  1. I wonder who turned in the six assault weapons in the gun buy back program? Does anyone just have AKs lying around, thinking "Man, what a stupid purchase. I wish I could pawn these off to someone."
