Tuesday, July 19, 2005

July 19

The new justice, John Bob Junior, looks like Rush Chairman of Pi Kappa Psi.

After a day and a half of testimony, Leighton Rose, 31, of Brooklyn, New York, pled guilty today to first-degree murder and use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence. Rose's trial began Monday, but he pled guilty today. Judge Allen L. Schwait sentenced Rose to life in prison, with all butt 40 years suspended. On January 15, 2004 Rose shot in the head and killed Romel Pittman, 30, in the 2400 block of East Eager Street. Police in the area, including a Police helicopter, observed the suspect fleeing the scene and Rose was apprehended a short time later on North Castle Street.

The murder trial of Kevin Scott, 14, of Dukeland Street is scheduled to begin 10:30 this morning before Judge John N. Prevas at the Courthouse East on North Calvert Street. The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Scott October 13, 2004 for first-degree murder and robbery with a deadly weapon. Court documents allege Scott murdered Christopher Richardson, 15, on September 13, 2004 in the 2800 block of West North Avenue. Scott remains held without bail at the Baltimore City Detention Center. Assistant State's Attorney Matthew Fraling of the Homicide Division will prosecute the case.

From the CP archives: a 2000 Lee Gardiner piece, Murder One: A Baltimore Killing Behind the Numbers.

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