Saturday, July 2, 2005

July 2

There'll be no new trial for convicted child sexual abuser Maurice Blackwell. From Jessamy's office:
State's Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy announced late Friday that the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office will not pursue a new trial in the pending sexual abuse indictment against Maurice Blackwell. Her decision late Friday afternoon followed a meeting with the victim in the pending case, who was informed of the State's Attorney's decision not to prosecute the sexual abuse charges in a new trial this fall. "The State's Attorney must fairly and reasonably consider each criminal case based on the law, the facts and the evidence. After a thorough review of the sex abuse statute, the original trial transcript, meetings with prosecutors and detectives, and consideration of possible sentencing outcomes, as well as the legal guidelines that outline the requirements of the sex offense registry in Maryland, I reached a decision that I believe is in the interest of justice," said State's Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy. On April 8 the Honorable Stuart R, Berger ordered a new trial after a motion filed by Maurice Blackwell's defense attorney sought to overturn guilty verdicts on three count of sexual child abuse rendered by a Baltimore jury on February 17. The jury acquitted Blackwell of the alleged 1989 abuse charge but convicted him of the 1990-1992 abuse charges. Each felony charge of sexual child abuse carries a maximum penalty of 15 years.
So it sounds like Blackwell is free to go. And in spite of the Attorney's office releasing the statement on a Friday afternoon when most reporters are at the bar, the story has gone international. And here's the link to the Sun story.

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