Wednesday, August 24, 2005

August 24

A shooting victim in the Northwest was identified as Derrell Mark Stanley, 46, a ticket scalper. There was also a on-fatal shooting on the 5500 block of the Alameda.

A man was shot dead late Saturday night/early Sunday morning near Patterson Park. Source' on the Sun News Talk says that the victim was a white man named Richard Boroughs and one indivdual reports:
... just got back from visiting the parents of the young man. He said it happened around 3:00a.m. around Eastern Ave & Patterson park ... From talking to the girl who was assaulted here is what he told me: Around 3am his son was taking a shower when three black men in ski masks broke in through the back door. His girlfriend was then pistol whipped and basically beaten the **** out of her. She was on the floor trying to cover her face with a blanket as they repeatedly kicked her about the head and face. My neighbor's son came out of the shower and they proceeded to shoot him in the face 3-4 times. What, was taken, I don't know. I'm sure there is more to it.
I talked to Officer Troy Harris with Public Affairs, who confirmed that the victim's name was Richard Paul Boroughs, a white man age 25, born June 14 1980. He was pronounced dead at Hopkins shock trauma at 3:52 a.m. Said Harris, "he was in the house with his girlfriend and in ths shower, three black males entered the home, beat her, asked her where the money was, then they went into the bathroom and shot the victim multiple times. That's all we have right now."

Note to the people who are outraged that there's no coverage of it in the Sun: I'm outraged also about the lack of coverage of murder and violence in general, that's why I do this job (that and to avoid my other job). But have you heard anything about any of this week's other murder victims other than in the ink either? Did you hear anything about 20-year-old Tavon Granger? There's no conspiracy-- that's just how common and unremarkable murder and death is in our and so many other American cities.

The juvenile transfer hearing of Percy Johnson, 17, and Sean Howard, 17, is scheduled to begin 9:30 tomorrow morning before Judge John M. Glynn. The Baltimore City Grand jury indicted Antonio Williamson, 16, November 12, 2004, Johnson November 22, 2004 and Howard December 1, 2004 with two counts of attempted first-degree murder, two counts of first-degree assault and handgun violations. Court documents allege the defendants shot two teenagers on October 21, 2004 in front of Thurgood Marshall High School at 5700 Moravia Drive. A juvenile transfer hearing motion has been heard and denied for Williamson. A trial date will be scheduled once the transfer hearing motions for Johnson and Howard are heard. All three defendants are currently being held on a no bail status at the Baltimore City Detention Center.

Nine years later no one knows who killed Johns Hopkins graduate student Alicia Showalter Reynolds, but police believe it was part of a string of attacks on women by the so-called Route 29 Stalker, who may or may not be 37-year-old Darrell D. Rice.

It's day seven of deliberations in the Espinoza/Canela trial. The AP reports that these jurors are asking a lot of questions.

Andre Staton was arraigned Tuesday. He is accused of stabbing 26-year-old Beverly Yohn to death in Pennsylvania, and was arrested 18 months ago after fleeing to Baltimore and standing off with city and federal authorities.

Last Saturday cops found a collection of 69 "strange" guns, including an Uzi, MAC-10 and big game rifle, from the home and garage of Anthony Felicetti. (Thanks Jay. Is Delwood down in the area the realtors call "West Virginia?").

Police Commish Leonard Hamm revealed that his daughter is a drug addict.


  1. What the eff? Home invasions in Patterson Park? I guess the "Cantonization" of Eastern Ave stops today.

    Actually stopped by to point out that in today's NYT there's this touching tale of our current commish and his step-daughter.

    Also, did you see this? As one of my co-bloggers, who lives near that house, said: "You do not eff with Delwood!"

  2. i appreciate your work. a lot of my friends are simply devastated at richie's death.

  3. Co-blogger here: My realtor didn't call it West Virginia (at least not before settlement), but it is definitely Appalachian, in good and bad ways. (My house does have plumbing, btw, though that wasn't the case many years back.)

    There was also a devastating fire on my block in December.

    Saw that piece on Hamm today, and it almost made me cry. Weird to be away from Baltimore again and see that kind of thing. You should get the hard copy for the two pictures on the front page. The Times has been on a tear with their above-the-fold photography lately.

    Great blog, by the way. Amazing how little crime coverage there is in Baltimore.

  4. About the Patterson Park area murder...first of all...this was NOT a random murder. Richie was a drug dealer and he owed $. I know this because I live on the street. I also moved into this neighborhood because I feel safe there. And I still do. I feel bad for his friends and family, but if you put yourself into this type of position, you have to expect this.

    Not that I agree with the media...but I think I would rather know about the pattern of random crime in a neighborhood instead of direct hits. Of course, being as this happened down the street from me, a little more news awareness would be nice.

  5. Who Killed My Nephew Richard Paul Boroughs? What happens to these cases? Why do so many inner city murders go unsolved. Love Ya Richie. Your Brother Rob is getting Married this month. R.I.P Nephew
    Uncle Phil

  6. Anonymous - My Nephew did not deserve this you harsh sour person. He may have made some bad decisions, but he was a GOOD Boy. He was polite, kind, fun loving, well mannered. How about your kids? Are they? Honestly, he was all of those things & he did not deserve what he got. Your comment was shit!
