Saturday, August 27, 2005

August 27

Police are seeking an armed fugitive who evaded capture near the PA border Thursday. Also, police seek help in solving the mysterious murder of 19-year-old Darryl Smith Jr., shot to death March 2 in Westport.

Rodman Durham got 75 years for murder, conspiracy and robbery in the April 2003 Colonel Brooks Tavern case.

MollettA County rapist has been ID'd as one 35-year-old David Mollett, right. Police believe he's fled that state and that he was last spotted in Missouri.

A Baltimore prosecutor was forced to throw out conspiracy and gun charges yesterday against three alleged juvenile members of a gang after a missed deadline to hand over a surveillance videotape to defense attorneys.


  1. Could you please explain why "Big Black Rapist" is coined here. I find it highly offensive and irratating.

  2. too fucken bad spook.
