Monday, September 26, 2005

September 26

This story about elderly murder victims notes that the current Baltimore homicide clearance rate is 36 percent. The national average is about 67 percent. Even with a generous curve, that's an F-minus in my classroom.

SpamThe murder trial of Michael Hughes, 58, of the unit block of Anson Street, is scheduled to begin at 9:30 tomorrow morning before Judge John M. Glynn. The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Hughes for first-degree murder January 3 of this year. Court documents allege Hughes murdered McKinley Johnson, 40, on December 24, 1974 in the 1700 block of Baker Street. News sources reported the murder was over a stolen can of Spam®. A murder warrant was issued for Hughes in 1974, but he was not arrested until summer 2003 in Boston and extradited to Maryland in December 2004. Hughes is currently being held without bail. Assistant State's Attorney and Homicide Division Chief Mark Cohen will prosecute the case.

Yay, some witness intimidation prosecutions: A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Sandy Rogers-Howerton, 44, at 8:30 a.m. in Room 2, Hargrove District Courthouse, 700 E. Patapsco Avenue. Court documents allege that on July 2, 2005 Rogers-Howerton attempted to influence/intimidate a witness in the discharge of his duty. The witness reports that Rogers-Howerton and an accomplice threatened the witness and family members with assault and harassment. And the witness intimidation trial of Erik Johnson, 32, and Juan Tucker, 29, is scheduled to begin 9:30 tomorrow morning before Judge John M. Glynn, 236 Mitchell Courthouse, 110 N. Calvert Street. The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Johnson and Tucker May 14, 2004 for intimidating/corrupting/influencing a juror/witness. Court documents allege Johnson and Tucker attempted to intimidate and retaliate against a witness in a pending murder case in Baltimore City Circuit Court. Johnson and Tucker are currently being held without bail at the Baltimore City Detention Center. Assistant State's Attorney Samuel Yee is prosecuting the case.

The murder trial of Michael Johnson, 15, of the 1600 block of West Franklin Street, is scheduled to begin at 9:30 tomorrow morning before Judge Edward R.K. Hargadon. The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Johnson for first-degree murder and handgun counts May 18. Court documents allege that on December 1, 2004 Johnson shot and killed Flenall Carter, III, 19.
Johnson is currently being held without bail.

The victim who died in the Water Street triple-stabbing has been identified as Stanley Thomas, 35.
Also identified was Terrance P. Williams
, 18, who was stabbed to death in East Baltimore.

A homicide arrest for the murder of Thomas Mason, 35, in the blotter.

Baltimore County police have arrested 22-year-old Geremiah Johnson for first-degree murder, attempted murder, assault and arson in the death of Evelyn Amereihn and the stabbing of 22-year-old William Clark Mitchell.

The Euerildo Vasquez kidnapping case was postponed because interpreter was not present. The new court date is October 24.

Police say two of the three deaths in Howard County Detention Center were suicides.

Dontaz Anthony Winston, 23, is scheduled for arraignment for two counts of firearm violation Tuesday, September 27 before Judge Lynn Stewart. Winston was indicted by the Baltimore Grand Jury on August 22 for handgun on person and for possession of regulated firearm after being convicted of drug felony. Court documents allege that on August 3 police officers observed Winston ditching a firearm in a rear yard of a vacant dwelling in the 900 block of North Streeper Street. The firearm was recovered by police officers and Winston was arrested at the scene.

A pair of federal employees, Franklin G. Thomas and Andrea D. Harrison, are facing a max of 20 years after they pled guilty to stealing from the SSA and NASA.

naloxoneAfter the "Staying Alive" program showed success, the city has trained about 800 people to know the signs of heroin overdose and admister naloxone, (right) and the health department is seeking to expand the program. Thanks to better availability of the drug, last year the city recorded 261 fatal overdoses, the lowest rate since the turn of the century.

The anti-snitching tee shirt is the 2005 "X" cap. Baltimore's fashion statement to the world has even been featured in the latest L'il Kim video.

O'Malley will anounce his bid for governor this week.


  1. Help me out here. Our murder rate is dozens of times that in, say, NYC. Our clearance rate on those murders is half the national average. We have more crimes in this little city than most states have in their entire jurisdiction, and O'Malley want to bring his style of management to Annapolis? When will Baltimore make crime control its first priority above all others? I guess we're just gonna build another goddamn hotel. Again.

  2. I wish I could help. My job is just to keep people who think that everything is going to hell and no one is noticing from going insane.

    So that's the age-old civics question-- how do you get people to change their behavior? I personally blame the school system. Kids aren't even being taught that they have career options, much less the most basic of skills they need to pursue careers that have a future.

    And yeah if I was O'Malley I would not be running on the anti-crime platform. Things are a lot better in the city but violent crime up 4 percent is not a nice number.

    It's important to remember too though, the State runs the jail and the coroner's office. Problems at central booking and in the courthouse the fault of Ehrlich, not O'Malley.

  3. I was taught life skills at home. School was for facts and techniques... book learnin'. Teachers cannot parent these kids. They do need to understand that futures are possible. When you interview these kids, they have no concept of a future beyond about a one year horizon. Ask them about careers or raising a family over two decades and their eyes glaze over. One important task is to de-glorify the Gangsta/hoodlum lifestyle. In the thirties when bank robbers became heroes to bored, idle young people, the FBI turned their attitudes around by gunning down the Most Wanted and printing graphic photos of how they died so that kids would understand that only losers die in a pool of blood in a garbage-filled alley. We need to delionize the modern Gangsta and reemphasize the long term benefits of more pedestrian occupations, like accounting, actuarial science, or travel. Boring maybe, but you get to survive.

    As for pointing the finger correctly, I agree that boo-boos inside Central Booking are beyond O'Malley's control, but not the questionable arrests that overfill it. As for the Judiciary, neither O'Malley nor Ehrlich are at fault as the bench is functionally independent. What is needed, actually, is a judicial monitor like this blog, so that the public can kick to the curb judges who routinely Let 'em Loose. But before you can rate a judge on his conviction rate, you have to adjust for all the cases which are dismissed because either a) the police haven't presented a meaningful case or b) the State's Attorney has taken a shortcut and null-proc'd their way out of completing the necessary paperwork. As for violent crime up 4 percent, please remember that O'Malley stands behind his number: down 3 percent. The FBI made him fix his part I numbers because his administration had MISREPRESENTED our highest-level crimes. In fact, many more incidents are missing from the part I reports because the BCPD choose to classify them as part II offenses. Martin knows about falsified police records: remember, that was how he got elected, by 'uncovering' the false reporting of Frazier. What's good for the goose,....

  4. I beg to differ on the defense of O'Malley. The City Jail before this summer was already over-capacity and then, with complete disregard to that fact, O'Malley's police department starts arresting our citizens en masse (as documented by a recent article in the Sun). I say "our citizens," because a large number of those arrests were never charged. This overburdened an already overburdened jail while violating the rights of our fellow citizens (who probably won't believe the police the next time they are called for jury duty). O'Malley was having people arrested en masse during the summer to prevent a spike in the homicide rate without regard to whether crimes were being committed so it wouldn't affect his bid for governor.
