Wednesday, September 28, 2005

September 28

The blogger will be away until late next week. Please leave links to stories that readers might "enjoy" in the "comments" department.

Here's a good one from the Sun archives about the differences in the application of the death penalty between the city and the county from 2002.


  1. According to to Murder Ink columnist Ditkoff

    the death of local artist Myron 'Terry' Koenig has now been classified as a homicide. I guess that's because he was *killed* before someone set fire to his house. No, he wasn't a drug dealer or a fence. He was a perfectly nice, ordinary neighbor. What this means, folks, is that it could perfectly well happen to you, too. The fifth murder this year in a very small inner-city neighborhood full of hoodlums. I wonder, will the Mayor *ever* require that the Commissioner fill the 150 vacancies in the police force, or should all the decent people just move out of this horrible city. About a block from the scene, I called 911 because my neighbor's door had been kicked in and was open. The police came and responded "We see no sure sign of a crime. Maybe he just left it open." With a busted door jam? I don't think so. The officer was upset at being called to respond to what he called a 'trifling crime'. Break-in. Trifling? Not where I come from. If Baltimore thinks that break-ins are sorta OK, then your population is gonna drop a whole lot once the housing bubble bursts. Baltimore Believe? No,... Baltimore We Leave.

  2. It is now official: assaulting a police officer in Maryland is a crime. Like, duh!,1,5276508.story

  3. An easy to use to use tool for comparing crime levels here in Baltimore with those in other, generally better, cities may be found at:
