Wednesday, October 26, 2005

October 26

Welcome to my new co-blogger Chuck!

The two people murdered on N. Belnord St. in East Baltimore on Tuesday, October 18, have been identified as 31-year-old Stanley Dorsey and 16-year-old William Kirkpatrick, and the man shot to death in a car on October 14 has been identified 32-year-old Jeffrey Skinner. Yesterday saw two more murder victims in Baltimore City, with the deaths of Dominic King in the Southeast district and an unidentified man in the 1800 block of Guilford. Murder Ink reports that the BPD has determined the October 13 death of Bruce Turner in the Northern district's Evergreen neighborhood to be homicide by beating, which brings the 2005 murder toll to 223.

McMillonAfter PG County's triumph in locating Pedro Guifarro, Baltimore City upped the ante by losing 28-year-old Corey Antwon McMillon. McMillon, who was under arrest for the murder of 18-year-old Jamel St. Clair (see October 20), escaped from central Baltimore's Mercy Medical Center after attacking the corrections officer who was escorting him. McMillon is considered extremely dangerous and extremely free.

William James Mitchell of Havre de Grace was sentenced to 70 years for attempting to murder his wife and a friend who witnessed the attack. It's difficult to summarize any news story that contains the phrase "Picasso of the devil", so just follow the link as you see fit.

A group of judges are criticizing policies regarding drug treatment for addicts who have been criminally detained. In some cases, there is an 18 month wait for treatment, which is often longer than some inmates' sentences. Ironically, the drug treatment can actually be less expensive than housing prisoners in a traditional facility.

Jason Lester Russell stole a $57,000 Mercedes from a holding lot in Southeast Baltimore where new cars arrive from Europe. After hitting an unmarked police car, Russell stopped at an apartment complex and ran off with what appeared to be a load of packages. Apparently, Russell learned an important lesson from Gregory A. Alston: never leave behind personal belongings when you've stolen a car.

The Sun Police Blotter has a butcher knife attack and a senior citizen carjacker.

A streak of vandalism in Salisbury resulted in several overturned mailboxes, broken driveway lights, and a spray painted swastika and "KKK" on a Civil Air Patrol office in Salisbury.

Theresa Williamson, a bank teller manager at Wachovia, pleaded guilty to embezzling over $35,000 from her employer since 2002. She returned the money, and now faces up to 30 years in prison.

Baltimore residents are pretty used to witness intimidation, but Anne Arundel attorneys are fighting a case of lawyer intimidation.

Upcoming Trials This Week
The murder trial of Keith Montrell Garrett, 34, is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. before Judge John M. Glynn. A Baltimore City Grand jury indicted Garrett on January 15, 2004 for first-degree murder, kidnapping, and abduction in connection with the disappearance of Timothy Antonio Washington, 7, who was last seen on September 11, 1992 in the 800 block of Hilton Parkway. The body of the victim has never been recovered.

Ross Talp, 19, of Park Heights Avenue, is scheduled for first-degree murder and deadly weapon trial at 9 a.m. tomorrow before Judge John M. Glynn. Talp was indicted on June 3 for first-degree murder and for the use of a deadly weapon in connection with the death of his mother, Margo Antoinette Baker. On April 27 Talp called police to report his mother had been missing since the day before. On May 5 an anonymous tipster contacted the Baltimore City Police Homicide Unit and informed them that Talp killed his mother and dumped her body in the woods. Talp then allegedly confessed to the murder and told detectives that the body was in Leakin Park.

Christopher Nathan Porter, 17, is scheduled for trial at 9:30 a.m. on Friday before Judge Wanda Keyes Heard. A Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Porter July 6 for first-degree murder, use of a handgun in the commission of a felony crime of violence, and handgun on person in connection with the fatal shooting of Damon Aldridge, 23. Court documents allege that on May 15 police officers with emergency medial personnel responded to 100 Diener Place for a shooting. Aldridge was found lying unresponsive on the pavement suffering from gunshot wounds to the head and torso and was pronounced dead at the scene. Porter was identified through eyewitness accounts.


  1. I haven't seen any description of Corey Antwon McMillon on any of the news stories. Have they released one, or is he likely to introduce himself when encountered?

  2. The butcher's knife incident occurred a few doors down from me. Now, I'll only open the door to known vegetarians. A woman walking aroung the commercial district with a 12" knife? What the f%ck? Guess I need an Uzi to take to the bus stop.

  3. Corey Antwon McMillon
    Jailbird flies coop.

    There's now a $reward$ for info leading to his capture. Start Snithchin'.

    If you have information regarding this investigation, call the Baltimore City Police Warrant Apprehension Task Force by dialing (443) 790-6067.

    photo at:

  4. There's an article in the Sun,1,434773.story?coll=bal-local-headlines

    about juveniles being sent out of state for corrections.

    I know the subject in the case study. He needs to be sent out of Baltimore and away from the rotten influences in his community, which unfortunately include his extended family, if he is not to become an entry in next year's blotter.
