Monday, October 31, 2005

October 31

Daryl Davis, 28, died eight hours after being shot in West Baltimore.

Robbery, burglary, robbery in the Blotter.

Wayne Wheeler, found guilty of murder in PG County, had his conviction overturned by the Court of Special Appeals, who found his right to a speedy trial was violated.

The honor system works! Troy Gross, who strolled out of Central Booking, strolled back in.

Cops to parents: while engrossed in the traditional fit of razor-in-the-apple paranoia, don't forget to panic about about the perverts!

Someone stole $100k worth of bling from Arundel Mills Mall.

Now the MD state bar's joined Judge Holland, CCouncil member Rikki Spector, court clerks and actually just about everybody in asking O'Malley, if you can use $305 million in public money to build a hotel, why don't we have a safe courthouse that dosn't smell like dirty feet and old salami?

A 15-year-old girl was arrested for trying to slash a boy, then a police officer in Waldorf.

Two more Nigerians have been sentenced in the BWI mail-fraud case.

Last Friday's football-game-thigh-shooting incident was determined to be an accident.

Cigarettes, purses, side mirrors and a sign that said "I'm beautiful inside" stolen in the beckoning bucolic backwater of Carroll County. Awww, there's even a town called Mayberry! But it wasn't so quiet... see Crybaby Bridge.


  1. The Gallup Poll on cities in the U.S. this past Spring has a lot to say about Charm City.

    According the the poll, only twelve percent of the people living in the city say they feel safe walking in their neighborhood alone at night. Twenty three percent say they don't feel safe at all in that situation.

    Baltimore ranked last for safety.

  2. I feel safe but I'm an idiot. I also used to live in Richmond when it was murder capital and I felt safe there too. Now this of course means knowing where is appropriate to go and where not to go. My neighborhood isn't THE safest, and the one next to it is less safe. I still feel safe walking through THAT one. I'm an idiot. Maybe.
    On the other hand, fuck not feeling safe, that's what I say.

  3. When I read that surbey first thought was, what's wrong with the 12 percent? Actually, I do feel pretty safe walking around, knock on wood veneer, but I live in the Northern. And I like to think that I'm very aware of my surroundings. And how much would it suck to move to some soulless 'burb, get depressed, bored and obese, then shot in the parking lot of the mall or get ChemLawn poisioning?

  4. sorry, survey. I'm a little congested.

  5. Early results from the wjz online poll: Do you feel Baltimore is safer now?

    Safer 8%
    Less Safe 58%
