Monday, November 14, 2005

November 14

BoCo Popos have arrested Brian Bartee, 18, Kion Coulter, 26, and Marcus Pettiford, 19 for the double murder of Howard and Dante Thacker in Owings Mills.

The attempted murder trial of William Crudup has been held over until 9:30 a.m. tomorrow before Judge John M. Glynn, 236 Mitchell Courthouse.

There have been 476 police-involved car accidents this year, including the one that killed 25-year-old mom Mary Jones.

Michael Turner, 36, pled guilty to stealing more than $40k from an Aberdeen security-guard union.

Gerard Holt got 10 years for carrying a stolen firearm.

It's hot to rob people of cell phones.

Two officers were injured trying to bust up a crazy-azz party in College Park.

WTF you talking bout Willis? After the largest gambling raid in Baltimore since Prohibition and sticking it to Vicki Mengel, cops are waging a "Cops for Slots" campaign (not to be confused with Norris' "Cops for Sluts" campaign). The gang = the government. Don't have enough money, puh-lease.


  1. Sorry about the dogs.

    I've become so convinced that my home is not safe from invasion that my cat goes with me to work, because my house is so vulnerable in my absence.

    If you take my money, I'm angry. Mess with my cat and I'll f#ck you up.

    My neighbor's house was invaded during the night and she had to send her (really) little dog downstairs to bark at the intruder, as the police didn't show for another hour.

  2. The little poopers were recovered. A lady called and said that she had them just as the police officer (who was actually there within 15 minutes, and for missing dogs I think that's pretty damn good) was telling me you can't file a "stolen dog" report if a dog's just missing from your yard unless you see someone actually taking them. The officer was very very nice, walked me over four blocks to pick them up, which made me feel like a total tool but turned out to be good because the people who had them were a touch sketchy. On the way over the officer told me that the guy on Tutor Arms was drug-related, he'd been driven out to the "wilderness" of Wyman Park from elsewhere to be disposed of.

  3. Anyone notice a little, uh,... ironic humor,... in the theft of funds from the security guards' union fund.

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