Tuesday, November 8, 2005

November 8

At arraignment today, Charles Knott, charged with first-degree murder, pled not guilty. A jury trial was scheduled for February 3, 2006 before Judge Shirley Watts.

AA police detained, then released, a 26-year-old suspect in the murder of Michel Leo Rousseaux.

A man was shot in the small town of Fruitland (south of Salisbury).

Roger Hargrave was indicted on one charge of attempted murder and one first-degree assault count for his alleged attack on Yvette Cade.

The Jeffersonian reports lots of robberies, an abduction and a shadowy intruder in the Northeastern 'burbs.

Former Catholic Priest Jerome Toohey pled guilty to sexually abusing a Calvert Hall College student.

Baltimore car thieves have really bad taste.

Plenty of thefts and muggings in the Northern this week, and a carjacker who tried to evade capture by jumping in the Inner Harbor.

Stop the presses! Baltimore has an image problem. Consultants are being paid $500,000 to come up with a new slogan to combat the crisis-- and this embarrasing story has hit the newswire, making matters worse.


  1. I m would offer the following suggestions for a slogan for Baltimore:

    Baltimore: Hey, it's near the bottom, but at least it's not Detroit.

    Baltimore: 2349 of 2350 of you won't be killed this year.

    Baltimore Crime: the truly regressive tax.

    Baltimore, builder of welfare hotels for tourists.

    Baltimore: we couldn't find anything better to do with $500,000 of tax money than to pay for this slogan.

  2. From the current Sun on 'branding' Baltimore:

    "It's not as if you can say, 'Don't worry; if you're mugged, we always have Hopkins'"

    For her part, USC's Mallia, a native of New Jersey, ... was only here for two days once, she says, and a couple of impressions lasted.

    "The Inner Harbor was fun," she says. "It has that hint of [waterfront] history. It says 'urban,' but it isn't too frightening. {like the rest of town}

    "I doubt that's where the natives hang out," she adds, "but then, that's not really what tourism is about, is it?"

    {No, apparently it isn't. We can just all go to hell.}

  3. Yeah, I like "I paid $500,000 to consultants and all I got was this lousy slogan."

    ps. sorry I had some setting turned on that was keeping comments from showing up... it's fixed now.
