Wednesday, December 14, 2005

December 14

A man was shot on Bayview and Eastern.

The City is now suing the state prison system to get an uncensored report about the problems at the state-run Central Booking facility. You'll recall that the report was submitted with half of the material redacted. A sentence they didn't censor: "No one was in charge."

Meanwhile, another detainee has died at Central Booking: James Pugh Jr., 41, was pronounced dead at Hopkins Hospital on Monday.

robinsonThere's a rabbit-toothed rapist named Obijha Bushae Robinson (left) on the loose on the East side.

An arraignment hearing is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. tomorrow for Afiba Roebuck, 27, before Judge Lynn Stewart. Court documents allege that on September 25 through October 20 of this year Roebuck engaged in a harassing course of conduct, repeatedly made threatening phone calls to several of the witnesses, their family members and friends in an endeavor to intimidate the witnesses in his pending 2nd-degree assault trial.

Two years later, the murder of federal prosecutor Johnathan Luna remains unsolved, and a PA representitive Mark Cohen is calling for Congressional hearings.

In the great Republican tradition of McCarthyism and the Enemies List, Ehrlich's administration is accused of not just firing employees for being Democrats, but making a "Death List" of Republicans who were friends with Democrats.

A Carroll County teacher was acquitted of second-degree assault. She was accused of abusing a student with Down's syndrome.

freud_sigmundCP's Stephen Janis doesn't think it's worthwhile for the City Council to investigate adding State Troopers to the streets of Baltimore City, because "adding more police power to the streets doesn't address the underlying causes of crime."


  1. Journalist Janis opines:

    "adding more police power to the streets doesn't address the underlying causes of crime."

    My comment:

    Which underlying cause: 1) deciding to commit it or 2) substance abuse, ignorance, poor upbringing, lack of plenitude, and a preference for antisocial behavior ?

    The job of the police is triggered by item 1). It is not being performed , at least in principal degree, because of a lack of manpower.

    As to item 2), this has but little to do with police staffing. Instead, refer it to departments of social service.

    Anyone who suggests that BCPD has enough manpower to handle those events triggered by 1) above is kinda out of touch, given that we have a massive offender population and nearly four times the violent crime rate of the average metro area in this country.

    Question: Someone breaks into your house. The BCPD won't have an officer available for 45 minutes. There's a state law forbidding the unlawful entry and equipping service providers with arrest authority. Who ya gonna call? A social worker?

    Now, go fetch me some State Troopers until the BCPD is ready to do what it takes to be a credible police force.

  2. Yeah, I was going to make some pithy quip about sending in troops of psychiatrists armed with Prozac cannons, but decided the remark was stupid enough to stand on its own.

  3. Say, speaking of the CP, does anyone know what happened to Ditkoff's column? It's so lame that I too lazy to count murders and add to last week's figure, isn't it?

  4. I know, it wasn't there this week. Which is a shame, because almost every week there's a murder no other source has picked up on. <- and how effed up of a statement is that?!

  5. "What would be so wrong with equipping social workers with guns? They are law enforcement agents already anyways," taught one particularly incendiary social work prof. Forensic social work is growing as more state hospitals close and the legal system takes on more of the mentally ill. Check stats on who is housing the largest number of mentally ill people in the country. But I digress. . . Drugs, crime, and mental illness are sometimes seperable---Kevin

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