Tuesday, December 27, 2005

December 27

awilliamsA 25-year-old suspect, Alvin Williams, left has been arrested in connection with the Nov. 12 murder of Brian Jones. Jones was 33, a father of three and a basketball coach at Cardinal Gibbons. Williams was a pro armed robber.

Corpsewatch: Shot hot cop Adam Vasquez returned to Brooklyn. The viewing of Leslie Holiday's 34-years-alive, six-days-dead body will be today from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. at the William C. Brown Funeral Home in Abderdeen.

Jason Chen, 20, is charged with stabbing his father, Yun Sen, on Webbed Foot Way.

Worcester County police are looking for three men who assaulted a 40-year-old woman in her home for three days.

Liquor board corrupt!

O'Malley asks Ehrlich for $9.3 million to fight crime. That sounds like big money but is really not: it's about $6 million less than what the state spends on its stop-smoking campaign.

Editor & Publisher deems our gov. 2005's "Crybaby of the Year."

mchavezWPA fifth police dog has died, this one from a stomach tumor.

1 comment:

  1. So, let's recap: O'Malley has in mind to spend more state $ on each of the real estate deals with a) the Weinberg Foundation and b) Johns Hopkins University than the total amount of money he's requested for the Police Department.

    Any wonder why we have four times the crime rate of other American metro areas ?

    So, when did we start creating governments to subsidize massive nonprofits which are gobbling up real estate to take it off the tax rolls?

    Oh, and uh, where do you find the patrol officers statistically overdeployed? Around Hopkins and Weinberg real estate.

    Notice a pattern?
