Saturday, January 7, 2006

January 7

A man fatally shot an acquaintance in the parking lot of the TGIFriday's in Owings Mills at 11:00pm last night. An off-duty VA police officer witnessed the shooting and confronted the assailant, who then exchanged gunfire with the officer. The attacker hid and was sniffed out by a police dog.

On Saturday morning, a prisoner at the Anne Arundel County Detention Center, uh, "escaped by walking off".


  1. Well, now, the cumulative effect of misfeasance and malfeasance by the BCPD and certain of its officers, respectively, is really testing the confidence of law-abiding citizens in police officers.

    Yesterday, two cops came to my door and, while I'm not proud of it, I gave brief thought to ignoring them, since so many bad things have been happening to decent people when cops are involved. Now, I finally opened the door and the inquiry was without incident, but you gotta know that any police department which can induce such a reaction in a cop-booster like me must have problems.

    Commissioner Hamm,.... goodbye. Time to go. Continued mismanagement will destroy the department. Time to fall on the sword.

  2. i hear that hamm doesn't run the dept, o'malley's boy marcus brown does.

  3. Well, lessee: yes, Hizzoner has cabinetpeople dictating on his behalf to the Police Dept. Commr. Hamm, however, doesn't work for them. He took an oath to carry out the duties of Commissioner. That's what a Commissioner is. His obligation is to do the right thing, even if the Mayor doesn't approve. When he's been caving in to pressure from Hizzoner and is finally confronted with his sworn duty, there's only one solution.


    As for Mr. Brown's responsibility, the way you deal with that is: vote Duncan or Ehrlich for Guv and then {anyone else} for the next mayoral term. Anyone know if Baltimore's charter provides for a recall vote?

    O'Malley stood there at the arrest procedures hearing and just plain ol' lied. FOP Pres. Roussey confirmed that arrests for the sake of arrests were demanded of his members. That gutless weasel of a mayor is trying to hide behind officers who did what his Commissioner required. Then he walked out early, rather than facing the music. I'm really steamed.

  4. I don't often agree with Sun columnist Dan Rodricks given that he feels drug addiction excuses misconduct, but his column today rings true.,1,832574.column?coll=bal-home-columnists

    O'Malley's poor strategy for crime reduction is costing him law-abiding supporters. The more stable path to lower crime is more manpower-intensive. You need many more cops and better ones, at that.
