Wednesday, February 15, 2006

February 15

Ink: "Only" two murders* last week, both on the west side of town. Lamont Smith was shot on West Lombard Street, and the body of Linwood Thomas, 48, was discovered in a house near Gwynns Falls Park.

How many books could a book cook cook if a book cook could cook books?

More turmoil in cop-land: the union board of directors ousted their elected leader, Lt. Frederick V. Roussey, and assigned him to the most disheartening job available, liason to the Juvenile Justice Center.

Reginald Williams pled not guilty at his arraignment this morning. A jury trial was scheduled for May 5 before Judge Watts.

Jemini Jones, Brian J. Shaffer and Steven P. Hatley pled not guilty at their arraignment this morning. A jury trial was scheduled for May 31, also before Judge Watts. (Why does Shirley have to do everything around there?)

Rouge SW flex officer Vicki L. Mengel was fined $150 for gambling.

William D. Schaefer, 84, caused a fracas when he ogled one of Ehrlich's office girls as she served him coffee during a Public Works meeting.

News from Far-Flung Regions:
A body believed to once have belonged to an AA County armed robbery suspect was found in the woods near College Park.

A man was shot in downtown Annapolis.

There was a second arrest in the case of the only shooting in Carroll County last year. Also out that way, Kristen Wright, 26-year-old teacher, was charged with heroin posession. (Unless that's a typo, she's one hard-driving junkie to get a Master's degree and start teaching high-school English by 21.)

Twenty-six-year-old Michael Ketterman was found guilty of inviting a 40-year-old neighbor to his house for a beer, then raping her.

*Sun murder reportage score: 1/2 = 50 percent, a solid F. Their quarterly averege so far is a D-minus, which eerily matches the Tribune Co.'s stock valuation. Other bad news for the Sun: the paper's lawsuit against the governor was rejected by the U.S. Court of Appeals.


  1. Why does the Sun repeatedly report O'Malley's defense of people questioning the crime stats, but does not publish the substance behind the accusations? Jayne Miller of WBAL is doing a great job investigating and documenting the issue. The Sun just seems to be a spokespiece for politicians, with an emphasis on O'Malley.

    Doug Donovan and Julie Bykowicz, it's time to step up to the plate.

  2. C'mon, you gotta know the Willie Don story was a plant, he's the biggest queen in the state!

  3. Maybe he was overcompensating, then. Or studying her walk for different reasons.

  4. Well in unrelated-but-important-to-me news, the man who killed my brother was indicted this afternoon, and will be arraigned in the near future. Maybe once in a blue moon justice happens within Baltimore City limits, but the trial hasnt started yet, so I can't say yet.
