Friday, February 17, 2006

February 17

A dead white female baby was found in a bag in Riverdale Park.

James Reigle, 46 and a five-time sex offender got a federal life sentence for child pornography.

In the first witness-intimidation verdict under the new post-Dawson laws, Clyde Meadows appeared before Judge John Miller yesterday and pled guilty to obstruction of justice. Under the terms of the plea agreement, announced in open court, Meadows had to admit guilt, which he did. Meadows must appear as a State's witness in the case of Amanda Johnson, scheduled for March 27 or 29 (there's confusion about the date since it was written down on the form as the 29th but verbally announced as the 27th...), and Meadows must stay away from the State's witness for the State vs. Timothy Meadows and Kenneth George, scheduled for April 12. Assuming the conditions are met, the agreement calls for Judge Miller to sentence Meadows to a suspended three-year prison term and three years of supervised probation on April 24. Meadows had been being held on bail but was released yesterday under terms of the agreement. That's right, he's out. Super!

Sun editorial: "accuracy in crime reporting is essential to assessing public safety". Which begs the question, how accurate of a sample is the "sampling of crimes" that is the blotter?

The allegation: After dirty doc Marc Fishman took over, conditions at Tamar's House in Park Heights got so bad a woman had to give birth unassisted on the floor.

WTF?! Are you kidding me?! As Baltimore cops were stalking war protestors on York Road, significant parts of The Port of Baltimore were sold to a Dubai company. Says Ruppersberger, "There could be weapons of mass destruction that could come into our ports, so we need to be on top of this." Yeah, ya think?

The story ain't over til we say it is, old man.

oraclEllisHampden residents may be interested to know that the trial of Kenneth "Oracl" Ellis, age 35 and charged with malicious destruction of property, is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, February 21, in courtroom one, Wabash Avenue District Court.

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