Tuesday, February 21, 2006

February 21

Kwane Walker, age 16, was shot in the stomach and died on Friday.

The body of Dorine Smith, 67, was found in the basement of her West Baltimore home on Saturday, and her death has been ruled a homicide.

Terrence Smith, leader of the gang that firebombed Edna McAbier's house, got 80 years for the attack.

keenanPolice are looking for convicted child rapist and unregistered sex offender Matthew Patrick Keenan of Dundalk (at left).

What a great idea: DUI plates.

Family law = one depressing mess.

Hung-over editor issues honest headline:
"Death Penalty issue gets confusing."
(If you want anything explained you have to ask somebody else.)

Terrance Hawkins of Upper Marlboro took 70 elderly Oprah fans for a ride.

Slow news day: with government offices and courts closed Monday but reporters at work, local papers filled pages with reader mail and transcibed voice messages, and Cheshire's ex wrote an article about how O'Malley's office broke the law by not responding to her letters in a timely fashion.


  1. So that folks understand the geopolitics of the Dubai Port controversy, the daily crude trade is about 45 million bpd. Of this about 15 million bpd goes through the Straits of Hormuz and another 11-12 million bpd goes through the Straits of Mallacca.

    In terms of local allies at those chokepoints for supertankers, we can choose frome a) Iran, Oman, or the U.A.E. (Dubai) and b) Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore (Temasek). None of these guys really adore America. Oman is probably a best ally, but it hasn't got well-developed port infrastructure. If we don't want Temasek to have monopoly power in the market for strategic ports, then we kinda need to cozy up to Dubai somehow.

    That said, I don't know if having them operate our major ports is the best way. Unfortunately, that's the only nonfinancial business they're in, other than oil production and refining.

    We could think about energy-independence from the Middle East, which would mean we import primarily from Venezuela. Chavez? Oops.

    See what I mean?

  2. The majority of our oil comes from Canada, actually.

  3. True. That's 1/6 of our import quantity, about 1,900 thousand bpd. Another 1,500 come from the Saudis and Mexico. Canada has net oil exports, however, of only about 1,000 thousand bpd, with the difference being imported through its east coast provinces, which places an autarkic Canada behind Venezuela and ahead of Nigeria as an exporter to the U.S., primarily to pipelines in our Midwest interior. Until we expand pipeline capacity for intranational distribution, we continue to be hostage at those chokepoints. It's a peak-load network capacity thing. (I used to be a consultant to the Fed. Energy Reg. Commis.)

  4. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/crime/bal-firebombing0221,0,4162301.story?coll=bal-home-headlines

  5. Have you seen this site: http://www.crimecall.com/ ? It says "Whether you're a victim of crime or an Officer of the Law, Ed wants to hear your story. It's totally anonymous. We only ask for your Email and Day Phone so we can verify that it is in fact your story."

  6. That should make for good radio!
    "Ed knows what it's like to be screwed. Ed will definitely NOT screw you." Who's he talking to, his wife?
