Sunday, February 5, 2006

February 5

One man was wounded and another shot to death on Potee Street in Brooklyn.

Thirty-three-year-old Mitchell Briggs Jr was shot to death while playing video poker in Yom's Food Market in Waverly.

Vernon Evans is scheduled to die tomorrow.

Great, wow, $52 million to hire 192 new cops! Oh wait, that's Harford County.

Horrible details of abuse in the Calvert County case of Graham Buckmaster, accused of murdering Lisa Moore on New Year's Eve.

Me fail English? That non-possible Dept.: Ehrlich bemoans "the dysfunctionality" of the city school system.


  1. So that y'all know, the existing manpower authorization at the Balto. City Police Department is fully funded by City Council. The Commish. just hasn't done the hiring. Just ain't done the job. He can't lay it off on budgets. Meanwhile, we're all subject to outrageous crime for as long as he leaves us over 33% short by his own estimate. Look at labor history: when 33% of a labor force is sidelined, the employer is disabled. Baltimore is disabled; by its own management.

    And, kudos to wjz (again). Abbottston Street is NOT exactly in downtown Baltimore, as wjz reports.

  2. Actually the 3800 blk of Potee would be considered Brooklyn its south of Patapsco ave, actualy down the street and around the bend from where I work

  3. Notice that of the 192 positions the Harford County Sheriff's Department wants to add, only 30 are actual police officers. Eleven are new correctional officers, even though to my knowledge the Harford County Detention Center hasn't added any beds in the recent past and isn't planning on adding any in the near future.

  4. So, here we go again. Newsflash: Evans' excution by lethal injection has been stayed by Maryland's Court of Special Appeals pending the results of oral argument in May.

    Couldn't we just tatoo a caricature of Mohammed on his chest and airlift him to Mecca ? They'll do what needs to be done.
