Wednesday, March 22, 2006

March 22

Ink: There were three murders last week, of Kacife Parker, Kiam Moody and Aaron Godbolt, and at least one justified homicide (this is the first time the Ink has covered one of those, wonder if that'll be a new thing). The Sun covered them all!

'BAL's got another "WTF?!?!" story: Winnie Watts, a city auxiliary police officer (whatever that is), says city police came into her house without a warrant, refused to give badge numbers, arrested her 15-year-old son for loitering on his own porch and charged her daughter with disturbing the peace.

Blotter: Patrick Byers, 20, was arrested for the murder of Larry Haynes. Kenneth Oakley, 20, was arrested for attempted murder, as was Lenise Edmonds, 23, the year's first female attempted-murder suspect, accused of shooting Monica McCante, 35.

A man who was not Dre was shot in the leg on Montpelier Street. Someone fired five shots through the windows of a house in Waverly. Also three men fired four or five shots at a woman's house on Sheridan Avenue.

Van Smith dares a suspect's wife to sue him in the story of the arraignment of Anthony Jerome Miller for the double murders of Jason Convertino, 31, and Sean Wisniewski, 22, the so-called "Redwood Trust" killings.

CP: there were four drug overdose deaths in MD prisons last year.

In AAC, sixteen-year-old Deante Littlejohn of Severn was indicted for first-degree murder for shooting Keisha Lane, 15, of Hagerstown.

The State plans to seek the death penalty in the case of Brandon Morris, who shot prison guard Jeffery Wroten.

The driver of a stolen Ford Focus was injured when he crashed the car at Calvert and 23rd street.

Paunchy pitcher Sidney Ponson had the last charge against him, knowingly making a false statement on a Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration application, dropped. (Puzzling: "prosecutors said they could not prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.")

The claim: Monumental Life Insuarance Co. paid $25k to Maryland to settle claims of race-based policy pricing. Republicans gave the money to certain charities, which in turn donated an 18 percent "tip" to Steele's campaign.


  1. funny, when the sun originally reported the murder of larry haynes, they said it occurred in the 2400 block of jefferson street, not the 2400 block of east lafayette avenue. those are pretty far away from each other.

  2. Poor journalism ? The Baltimore Sun ?

    Who'da thunk it ?

  3. It seems to me that the real issue, as usual in Baltimore, has been missed in the Monumental case.

    There is a problem. It is not a uniquely Republican one, however.

    When a regulatory body files suit for damages on behalf of some manifestation of 'the public', it is improper that the charges be dropped or compromised in exchange for any payment to a nonpublic entity, such as a charity. As a black man who has been discriminated against in rate-setting, you have not nearly compensated me by causing money to flow to, say, the Geat Blacks in Wax Museum. In fact, depending upon whom you grace with 'my' overpayment, I may be yet worse off.

    The solution is to legislatively require that all settlements be paid into the general fund of the plaintiff and thereby become pure, public money. In the case of class-action suits, all recoveries should be held untouched in trust for the clamants filing by a deadline. In that way, public officials never become agents for third parties, let alone for entities whose regulation is their mandate.

  4. (AP) BALTIMORE, Md. Baltimore City Council President Sheila Dixon says a state investigation into a city contractor that employs her sister is an attempt to "destroy my character."

    Seems to me, you've done most of that job for them, dearie.

  5. Regarding the story on Winnie Watts, get used to more of this crap. The city budget newly- submitted to the Board of Estimate, basically provides for no new hiring... business as usual. Let's just rename the police dept. the BC-WTF-PD. Call your councilman... ask for more manpower and better supervision. This crap just doesn't fly in any decent city. This idiot Commissioner's gotta go. He just doesn't give a sh#t.

  6. East 37th Street, not West. Waverly, not Hampden.

  7. Yep, definitely Waverly. In fact, a whole bunch of the stuff on the Messenger's blotter was in the Waverlies.

  8. Anyone here read the Daily News ?

    The New York Police Department is now hiring 1,200 additional cops.

    Baltimore is too, right ? Oh, wrong decimal place. 12.00 Yeah, that's Charm City for ya!

  9. Flash:

    A guy was just shot in the head in South Balto.

  10. from

    Police say an adult male was shot in the head at the 22-hundred block of Wenburn Street, near Philadelphia Road and I-295.

    great job guys! are you sure you didn't mean annapolis road? you know, a road that's actually in south baltimore? named after a place that's in our own state? the state capitol, in fact?

  11. oops, they called it "I-295," too. 295 isn't an interstate. i almost missed that.

  12. wow, i found one more thing wrong with the article! according to google maps, there is no 2200 block of wenburn street. it runs from 2700 to 3000. that's three whole errors in one single sentence.

  13. That's our JZ! But they did report it, which is more than any other outlet did.
