Tuesday, March 28, 2006

March 28

The trial of Wayne Bond -- Bloods member and alleged cabbie killer -- continues in Harford county.

Today's sensationalist headlines come from The WBAL: "Man At Large After Stabbing". Apparently, two men were arguing in a Linthicum store when one stabbed the other.

One reason why I like the Sun: A lack of sensationalist headlines. If today's Blotter were on a TV news site, it would read something like, "Two Shooters, A Stabber, and An Arsoner on the Loose."

In Westminster, seven adults and one juvenile were arrested for possession of heroin and crack after a five-month investigation.

A drug bust in Southwest Baltimore netted police 21 guns, $12,000 in cash, and 100 grand worth of the wacky tabacky.

A bill establishing crimes against homeless victims as hate crimes died in the Senate. Opponents claimed the bill would not address the problem of homelessness. If I'm understanding correctly, though, the bill wasn't trying to address the problem of homelessness, it was trying to address the problem of people beating and killing the homeless.

The jury didn't buy Thurman Spencer, Jr.'s strategy of calling the woman he was accused of raping and then claiming his phone records established that they'd had a consensual sexual relationship.

The father of the 8-year-old girl who was shot by a boy at a Germantown day care center has filed a $1,000,000 lawsuit claiming negligence on behalf of the center's president, an employee, the boy's father, and the convicted felon who provided the gun to the boy's father.


  1. Hm. Either the address is wrong or there were two busts in SW Baltimore. The 3100 block of Wilkins Ave is in Wilhelm Park, not Morrell Park. The neighborhoods are adjacent but Wilkens Avenue is definitely not Morrell Park.

    Incidentally, I know you got it from the WBAL site, but "Moral Parks"?

    There was a lot of police activity around 1 AM last night in the 1700 block of Harman Ave, which IS in Morrell Park.

  2. Is anyone aware of a "seatbelt check" operation that the Baltimore Police allegedly ran on Broadway on Ash Wednesday (March 8)? According to a neighbor of mine, the police set the operation up in front of a church that has a predominantly Latino congregation- just before the end of Ash Wednesday services. The goal of the operation was to crack down on immigrants who didn't have proper documentation. If this is true, I find this to be rather ironic considering how our local police department lectured us (at our last community meeting) about how we need to establish better relations between Latinos and the police department (according to the BPD, Latinos are afraid to file police reports because they fear that the police will arrest them on immigration violations).

  3. Like all other things in Charm City, the parks are distinctly im-Moral.

    And don't feel bad for latinos,... our police are not biased... they arrest all kinds of people for insisting on the filing of reports. Did it to me. It does make ya think twice.

  4. You know, I was really unsure about that Moral Parks thing, but against my own better judgment I copied it as-is from WBAL. Silly me, thinking journalists would have done their research.

  5. Just found out about councilman Young's proposal to create a municipal electric utility, Council Resolution 06-0160R.

    Quick thought: knowing a bit as I do about peak-load pricing and fixed-cost recovery using CCGT generation, the rocket scientists of Charm City would be as well-advised to do something equally stupid like a municipal hotel for tourists,.... huh?,.... done that, too?

    If ya wanna go out and municipalize every industry, because, y'know you're all so good at running things,.... first demonstrate your competence by properly providing an actually public good such as, oh, maybe POLICING !

    The only advantage to a municipal electric generation facility would be if it were retrofit to be able to run off the combustion of bulls#it, which City Hall generates in profusion.

  6. isn't killing homeless people already illegal? would a new law make it super illegal, or double illegal? how about just enforce the laws we already have. that might take care of many of society's ills.

  7. Since the words "not guilty" have never issued from the lips of a Harford County juror, don't expect that trial to take too long.

    Since the government has proven itself incapable of regulating those industries to which it has granted monopolies, I see no reason to think that it would be capable of running the industries directly. Private ownership of transmission lines seems to be as good an idea as private ownership of highways.

  8. I take exception to the part about Harford. Jurors in Balto. City can't spell 'Not Guilty' either. Oh. Oops. Silly me. That's just because they can't spell. Anything.

  9. Chuck, you're so marvelous!
    Until Verizon hooks up my DSL in a week (a WEEK!) I'm working at the library where the connection is very slow.

  10. Glad I can help a little since I've been mostly absent for the past few months. I'll do my best to post between 9 and 10pm nightly until you're back up and running. If it's easier for you, email me your posts and I'll put them all up at once.

  11. You're so sweet!
    Until Verizon gets it together I have no phone and no Internet connection at all unless I happen to be in a hotspot. And if I do get a connection I have tons of actual work waiting for me, so I'm not going to be able to contribute much. I'm forced to read books and take walks for fun. It's effing torture.
