Sunday, March 5, 2006

March 5

Larry Haynes, 30, was found shot to death on the 2400 block of Jefferson Street. Joseph Schlick, 25, was shot in the head in the Southwestern and remains in "grave" condition. Joseph Schlick, 25, was shot in the head in the Southwest during an argument.

Police are seeking Derrick Lamont Brown, 21, for the murder of Benjamin Philip Evans in Annapolis.

Death-faking, gambling, suspicious fires... Cynthia Jean McKay of the Millersville body-burning case is starting to sound like MD's answer to Sante Kimes. And ladies, should you ever be accused of a horrible crime, try this: "a detective told McKay's then-lawyer that he had planned to question her about the embezzlement and the fire. But McKay became distraught and began to cry."

Human remains were found in Dorchester County.

The arrests at Kawasaki buck a national trend: though Maryland's illegal immigrant population has doubled in the past four years, the INS fines for businesses employing illegal workers about 10 times less frequently than in '92.

In Columbia, an employee at the Lonestar Steakhouse stabbed another worker with (what else?) a steak knife.

Crimes against our culture dept: John Travola has been cast as Edna Turnblad in a Hairspray movie remake.


  1. ugh....John travola? Hairspray remake? that is just ... so wrong... ugh....

  2. What's next... "Polyester" starring Clay Aiken as Todd Tomorrow?


  3. Not that it counts for anything in this city, but my car was broken into last night on the corner of N. Calvert and Read St.
    They didn't even take anything, which makes the entire experience just annoying. Broken window for nothing. Police would not even take a report, and we wonder why the crime stats are being questioned. The cop actually said, "Well, this type of thing happens so much, we don't take reports...there's nothing we can do and we know we won't find the person who did this. The best I can do is tell you not to report it to your insurance because it will make your premium go up."

  4. Yarrrrghhh that makes me so furious! It counts for a lot in this city, because "quality of life" crimes like that are exactly what drives the tax base away, more so even than even the murder rate, which is an abstract concept to most people.

    Do tell the police that you need a report number because you do plan to report it to your insurance company-- after all, you might find something missing or damaged later that you didn't see at the time.

    Effing crackheads. I've had my windows broken about 15 times in the city. Only twice did they ever steal anything-- once my 1990 Honda factory radio, and once my school bag with my Master's thesis in it from the trunk. I had to dive through every Dumpster and trash can in a five-block radius and ended up having to redo the whole project.

    I started leaving my doors unlocked and my empty glove box and ashtrays open, and they broke my window anyway. And I would call the police, and they would come out and take a report (ah, those were the days) and more times than not blame me. "You shouldn't leave anything visible on the seats."

    And what's extra galling is it's probably the same few guys, who if they get arrested get charged with vandalism and are right back out. I know a few years ago they arrested a guy in Bolton Hill. he was dressed in a suit with a briefcase, and in the briefcase were his break-in tools, a crowbar and whatever else. I also saw the Charles Village guy, dressed head-to-toe in black leather with a motorcycle helmet on. I called the police, but of course by the time they got there he was long gone.

    pardon my galting.

  5. And while I'm at it, I don't care what Oprah says, I hate that effing John Travolta, who has the acting range of a Guernsey cow and must be about as bright to fall for that Scientology crap.

  6. I'm a verb ? Cool. And a gerund, to boot.

    About the cop refusing a report, call your state delegates and senators. Support the bill making falsification of police records a prosecuble crime. (Personally, I was amazed that it wasn't a crime already.) Apparently, we have to draw them a picture. N-O L-Y-I-N-G ! ! !

    Can we write that on the city benches, "No more lying." That's the slogan, y'think?

    Speaking of which, given that Kevin Clark is on tape stating that Dep. Mayor Michael Enright instructed him to understate the numbers. Time to hook up Enright to a polygraph and ask him.

  7. Oh. the other thing is...


    By any other name....

    I recommend Canned Hamm.

  8. A couple weeks ago in the snow someone knocked the mirror off my drivers side door. One hour after I called, the wagon pulled up. Officer did a report right there. Said he'd just come from picking a body up off the sidewalk that someone left for dead, said that's why he took so long. . .

  9. Undeniably, some of these officers are very committed to their profession. However, they're subject to some very adverse incentives from above. Less committed members of the force just cave and do what it takes to avoid flack. Too commonly, this comes at the expense of the citizen.

  10. Hi, Anonymous Break-in Guy again,

    I agree with all that has been said here and wish I had pushed for a report. Well, I'm sure there will be a next time! Great.

    This is only my second break-in since moving to Mt. Vernon in 2004, so I'm running about 1 a year. Last summer someone tried to jimmy my trunk lock but never got it open, they only succeeded in ruining the lock.
    I like the NO LYING idea, maybe modeled after the "Believe" campaign. Word gets out on that and NONE of us will get police assistance for having a NO LYING bumper sticker.
