Wednesday, April 5, 2006

April 5

Someone stabbed a two-year-old white boy.

Ditkoff: four murders this week: Edward Jeter, 28; Victor Richards, 23; Raymond Brown, 27; and Ashley Harris, 19 (had Harris been shot on government property instead of the sidewalk in front of Club Choices, her fetus would also be counted), for a total of 64 murders so far this year. The Sun reported three of the four.

King and Murray: "beastly men from the jungle" or "fallen warriors"? The case has gone to the jury.

BaltiCo,BaltCo, it's not really a town, but the population's up and crime is down!

Christian Lopez, a 17-year-old, has been arrested for first- and second-degree assault (among other charges) after an incident in Landsdowne in which 12 men used baseball bats to assault three victims.

Rondell Medley, 17, was arrested for the murder of Tarrod Wallace last year.

A man was beaten and carjacked while his three-year-old son was in the back seat, strapped in. No word if investigators suspected the dad or tot of whoremongering or operating an illegal hackney-coach.

State police are seeking a white male rapist with a "Portofino Bay Hotel" hat.

Corrections officer Michael Kemp was arrested for posessing two vials of crack.

In the Blotter: you know times are tough if criminals are reduced to robbing the Dollar Store.

1 comment:

  1. Hidden beneath all of the bad news about crime in Baltimore, there is a story about some good criminals from the City.

    CNN reports that "Three pacifist nuns who were jailed for an October 2002 protest at a missile silo returned to the site, vowing to continue their nonviolent resistance to the nuclear armaments."
    While CNN reports that the women are from the Dominican Order in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Jonah House confirms that these are the same Sr. Carol Gilbert and Ardeth Platte who live with the Jonah House community in West Baltimore.

    From La Luchita
