Saturday, May 13, 2006

May 13

Dusty Shuck's mother says that the murdered 24-year-old suffered from schizophrenia and had walked away from a treatment facility in New Mexico.

Dundalker Steven Liller Jr. spent two months in jail for carjacking and assault in what turned out to be a case of mistaken identity.

Two shockingly stupid Montgomery County teens are charged with setting 17 fires after posting pictures of their handiwork on Myspace.

Crazy shit, yo: A 57-year-old woman in Harford County hoarded more than 100 pets in conditions so squalid a hazardous materials response team shut off electricity for fear that the methane could cause an explosion.


  1. actually moving to baltimore and was wondering if you knew the url to the website that lets you view crime in baltimore down to the actual street you live on. i came across it once before a couple of years ago and have since lost the url...hope you can help! if not thanks anyway and ill continue to read your blog

  2. the link is on the BaltimoreCrime homepage under Baltimore Crime Maps by neighborhood, etc.
