Tuesday, May 30, 2006

May 30

Supreme Court to Govt. Employees: Stop Snitching!

Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics: while 42 percent of sexual assaults are reported to police in the general population, 13 of 14 black women who are sexually assaulted don't file a report.

Councilman Kenneth Harris Sr. wants to know why police are arresting people for minor or questionable crimes.

John Allen Muhammad was convicted of first-degree murder in Montgomery County for killing James Martin, Premkumar Walekar, James "Sonny" Buchanan, Sarah Ramos, Lori Lewis Rivera and Conrad Johnson.

Trial began for William Langley, 49, in 225 Courthouse East. He is accused of shooting Nae Chun Pak, 46, to death. Pak, Baltimorean from Korea, was the only Asian male to be murdered in the city last year (that we know of). Linda Trinh, daughter of Vietnamese immigrants, was the only Asian female.

A woman at 300 W. 31st may have been # 112.

Gag Forced on Police Rape Case Facers

Army Sgt. Juwan Johnson of Baltimore was beaten to death in Kaiserslautern, Germany.

A suspect lost consciousness, then died after struggle with police at the Canton Liquor House in Fell's Point.

A man was abducted from Reisterstown Road, beaten and stabbed.

In Silver Spring, six gunmen tried to jack three ATVs, caused 12-car pile-up.

MoGoCoians are puzzled by the five teenage boys who robbed the Bethesda Smoothie King.

kimberly DozierKimberly Dozier, a CBS correspondent wounded in an Iraq car bombing, attended BMS, St. Tim's.


  1. Funny that no news outlets are talking about how the guy who died after fighting with the cops in fells point probably heard Donye Blackston getting murdered. Even if the connection is totally coincidental, it seems like it would warrant a mention.

  2. "Pak was the only Asian male to be murdered in Baltimore City last year..."

    Linda Trinh

  3. A former Taco Bell employee in Stafford County, VA received six months in prison for spitting in a customer's Mountain Dew. With sentences like this, maybe Baltimore should outsource their criminals to Virginia!


  4. Ahem, ... that's kinda why they're here. I've interviewed a lot of detainees at Central Booking and quite a few were born and raised elsewhere, but already have two of three strikes against them in that jurisdiction. They can't get caught in Virginia or Mississippi, because they'll have to serve out full terms there.

    So.... they migrate to a place where a criminal can thrive. Kinda boils down to MoTown, the Big (wet) Easy, or... Charm City.

    If you ever really started zero tolerance, you'd find that many of your career felons fly right out of here, making the residual task far less burdensome.

    Mayor McCheese SAID he'd introduce zero tolerance. That's why I voted for him. Then came the bit about 'read my hips...' He claimed we misunderstood what he meant when saying zero..

    Sorry, I didn't attend public school here... where I came up zero was considered a very small number. BaltiMath apparently says otherwise.

  5. The next time I find a pube in my food I'm totally calling the police.

  6. despite copying and pasting, i somehow managed to miss the word "male" in there. and i thought i was being so smart! sorry!

  7. Anyone care that murders are running about 10% ahead of 2005, a high year, for the year-to-date?

  8. O'Malley cares a lot about the homicide rate. That's why the number of arrests are up again. Coincidentally, people are complaining about arrests for "minor and questionable crimes."

  9. I'm rather surprised that Hizzoner is even paying attention to murders, what with the trips out west he's been making for campaign cash recently. Sad, really - I figured the Maryland Democratic Party essentially dubbing him the next governor would suffice, how wrong I was.

  10. I'd vote for the mayor for one reason. Getting him out of the city, and we might have a chance for a change. A slim chance but it's better than no chance.

  11. Crazy ol' idea about a self-interested public servant who's not very good at managing a public entity... couldn't we just fire him?

    Or maybe trade him to another city for a future draft pick?

    Oh, and BTW, you don't get out of excessive structural crime with b#llsh!t arrests. You increase your sworn police force in size to meet your criminal population and incarcerate them with high-quality arrests which stick.

    It's not really rocket science, you know.

  12. i think the BPD thinks that the more people they put in jail, then the less chance that they will kill or be killed.

  13. Yeah, but ya have to git the right ones. Randomly selected residents in jail isn't helpful. To git the right ones, you need extensive surveillance. That means lotsa patrol officers.

    Then, if you stop arresting basically innocent people, maybe the citizens will actually have enough regard for the police to assist, rather than assisting the other side.
