Thursday, June 1, 2006

June 1

At arraignment today, Jamal "Sweet 16" Charles and Dwayne Drake, charged with murder, pled not guilty. The court set a trial date of October 2 before Judge Shirley Watts.

A cab driver was robbed and fatally shot in the Northeast.

The Sun reports a homicide on the 1400 block of Federal Street Tuesday, which makes 114 homicides for the year by my count, 111 according to the police. One of the unidentified men shot over the weekend was named as Odell Lamont Wagner, 36.

Coleman Washington beat a woman with a car seat, a truck driver was assaulted with a knife, a woman was abducted and raped, ovens were stolen, plus petty theft and "ranssacking" in the Northern.

Odd choice of words dept:
Police Major to 11-year-olds: guns and jail aren't "sexy."
"...and gangs are not romantic at all," added the prosecutor.

Mrs. J has refiled assault charges against two officers, Jack H. Odom Jr. and Michael D. Brassell, who were accused of assaulting Akhenaton R. Bonaparte IV outside of Maria D's but had their case dismissed.

Tragic: The Dawson family lawsuit vs. the city = dismissed.

Hey y'all, watch this: A 14-year-old boy was shot to death in Elkton while playing with a rifle in a mobile home. His two dumbass friends were arrested.

Why did Michael Simmons kill Patrick Walter in Bel Air? Charging docs say Walter cut Simmons off in traffic.

judge palumboMaryland's worst judge (left) says that dismissing Yvette Cade's protective order was an 'administrative error.'

Ron Meroney of Tennessee told a judge he'll turn himself in to MD authorities for raping a 14-year-old 32 years ago.

Thomas Gibbons of Forest Hill pled guilty to bank fraud after stealing more than $1.6 million from investment clients.

terlitThe story is just that good: Baltimore's most eccentric lawn litter ran the sixth piece in a row about private-school drug flushing.

Blind item: what governor was spotted cozying up to a war criminal for money?

County police get new radios, Roland Park to get a Starbuck's.


  1. Translation: Do NOT Believe.

    It's a scam.

    Citizens in this town should shutter their windows, bolt the doors, and keep their mouths shut.

    It's a goddamn war zone and your local government has no intention of doing anything to safeguard you.

    Vote O'Malley out of here. He's a disgrace.

  2. On the subject of not Believing:

    (warning: this is not crime, even if the City government's conduct is criminal)

    The City's housing authority says it shouldn't be ordered to pay restitution to lead paint victims in its property because.. it hasn't any money....

    meanwhile.... on another page of today's newspaper...

    the City wants to give millions in incentive money to persuade a publicly-traded corporation to occupy some of the most expensive office space in the city in one of it's best neighborhoods.

    Apparently you DO have the f***in' money, you lying bastards.

    Baltimore: Get Over (on us) in it.

  3. The further removed you can get O'Malley from day to day operations that have a direct impact on people (like policing) the better things will be.

    O'Malley for Gov in '06!

  4. oh my god, you have, like, the most annoying commenters, ever.

    please, someone respond to this with a soab-boxey partizan diatribe. while you're at it, portray yourself as a hero of truth. that's never annoying.

  5. heh heh. Seriously, doesn't anyone have anything to say about the "Rollin Dons" story? The whore professor? Domestic violence? Sophia Coppola's sperminaton? Anything?

  6. Sorry if I'm single-minded. The crime here is structural. You will never change it without chahnging the kind of city you are.

    No other police department of consequence is experiencing a long-term systematic inability to recruit. The labor market is not particularly tight, as it is with RNs. Your public officials just don't want to provide for public safety and the constituents seem to be ok with that as long as the crime is in my black neighborhood, rather than their white ones.

    "Hey, Mr. Commissioner, there's a crime in progress over yonder."

    Answer: "Yep, you're right. There sure is. So noted."

    A city with a moral compass would dismiss the Commissioner of police and anyone in on his ineptitude. Such a city would pay the going price for cops and require that they behave ethically. A decent city would have but little tolerance for the nonsense which is routine here, and merely the credible appearance of incompetence or moral lapse would be a stmulus sufficient to induce prompt correction.

    In Baltimore, it seems someone in a position of authority is deemed to have acted acceptably up past indictment and until conviction.

    In the real world, public officials are held to a higher standard than the basic criminal code, which applies to the rank and file population, as well. They are expected to be exemplars.

    In Baltimore, government services are payed for with tax-derived revenues, but there seems to be absolutely no concept of delivering the goods.

    It's just a damn scam, and Baltimore richly deserves its rep as once of the foremost rotten places in America.

  7. Being an on-point blog leads to on-point readers. I love my commentors. if it wasn't for comments I would have gotten bored and stopped blogging a long time ago. Sometimes I wish we attracted a greater variety of wits with a wider opinion on a gamut of subject matter, but what can you do? Crime is a sour business. The truly snarky read the tabloids.

  8. As for the blakefield topic,

    I went to Blakefield many moons ago. The practice of keeping things low key is nothing new, they've been doing stuff like this for years. The difference is, with AG Curran in office it wasn't a major deal (call it the alumni connection, I guess).

    As for the optimistic view that Sir John has made about baltimore, I'm inclined to agree with him, and BELIEVE that O'Malley is a moron. He's the type of politician that will accept the credits and attack others, yet act like a pansy when he's accused of botching up the city (which, as our headlines show, there are plenty of examples of). Where i'm from, that makes him a punk.

    Still, although I know he's bad for the city, I cringe at the thought of him being rewarded for this by being escalated to Governor, if only to get him out of Baltimore. If anything, he'll botch up the state more, which in turn will trickle down to the city.

    This being said, this is my ideal scenario:

    1) O'Malley loses (preferably in the primary, so that 'the ambiguously anointed duo' of him and brown are especially embarrassed

    2) The people see him for what he is - a pandering political toolbox that has been eyeing the oval office since his days as a state's attorney (which, I might add, was not even five years, so you know he's been plotting this for a while).

    3) He decides to run for re-election for mayor, and Baltimore, aware of his scheming, votes him out in disgrace

    4) He kindly moves to florida to start his political career again, since apparently that's where the biggest political tools come from.

    This rant powered by spite and crystal light

  9. cheers to the cynic! may your wish come true. (Kieffer for Mayor!)

  10. Gotta get me some crystal light rant accelerant.

  11. *raises glass to eebmore*
