Monday, June 26, 2006

June 26

The office of the State's Attorney announced the following indictments made by the Baltimore City Grand Jury today:
Damon Holmes, 16, of Baltimore, Maryland, has been indicted for first degree murder /and robbery with a deadly weapon. Holmes is alleged to have shot and killed Oumar Bah, a taxi cab driver in northeast Baltimore, in late May. His arraignment is scheduled for July 19. Assistant State's Attorney Samuel Yee will prosecute this case.

William Fuller, 44, of Baltimore, Maryland, has been indicted for first degree murder. Fuller is alleged to have stabbed Kiam Moody this March. Moody was rushed to Johns Hopkins Hospital shortly after the alleged assault where he died as the result of stab wounds. His arraignment is scheduled for July 19. Assistant State's Attorney and Homicide Division Chief Mark P. Cohen will prosecute this case.

Chris Ward, 23, of Baltimore, Maryland, has been indicted for first degree murder. Ward is alleged to have shot and killed two individuals at 1600 E. 25th Street in Baltimore in February this year. His arraignment is scheduled for July 18. Assistant State's Attorney Robyne Szokoly will prosecute this case.

In a completely unscientific poll, looks like Mary Pat Clarke is the people's choice for mayor in '08! Second choice, Keiffer Mitchell Jr. Third place? O'Malley again!

Good news (or as good as it gets around here): County police have arrested a man, Raymond Peter Boyer, 42, for the sexual attack on the nonagenarian woman.

In the County, Daniel Rushton was charged with first-degree murder for the beating death of Robert Proescher, 53, outside of a Rosedale bar.

Jeffrey Lanahan and Michael Kelley go on trial tomorrow for their guitar-stealing scheme.

A 46-year-old inmate died mysteriously at Jessup.

Hmm, I wonder if Judge Panos has any older brothers...

Only Baltimoreans could come up with this: "To Catch a Pervert" -- a "Dateline NBC "spoof featuring erotic acts with the Friends School crab, a garlic press and a strange obsession with Checkers.


  1. Goddamn these MFin' city officials.

    It rained... a lot. So the street lights all went out. Not because of downed lines. Because the city lights short out EVERY FRICKIN' TIME.

    About three hours ago, I called in the outage as I always do and instructed the BCPD to put this area on special attention as I always do, because... it's pitch frickin' black.

    Sure enough, a resident just got robbed on the side street.

    I told them. I frickin' told them.

    Y'see, folks, the incidence of crime in Baltimore is largely a choice by this goddamn administration. They just don't want to spend the tax money on actual public services. Why do that when we could equally well give it to Sheila Dixon's sister.

  2. Why spend $500,000 on fixing the lights when they can get a catchy slogan like 'Get in on it'?

  3. With each passing day, the more I just want Out of It. These people in Baltimore government are just assholes. This place should be forcibly depopulated as an antithetical municipality.

  4. It took me this long to figure out that this is "John Galt"'s public service and for that degree of activism, thanks.

    And Cy, thanks again, this is a good thing you're doing.

  5. No good deed goes unpunished in Baltimore.

    Our public elementary school has had remarkable results since a new principal came on board. He was really very involved and really cared a lot about those kids. He is not returning next year, because he was willing to go on record that certain things were needed. Like books, etc. Never tell the emperor about his new clothes.

    Baltimore sucks. I'm sure the new principal will be selected so as not to give a damn about these kids. Congratulations, Charm City.

    Why am I posting this to BaltoCrime? Because the Commissioner ain't wearing no clothes, neither. (really scary mental image) When will someone in a position of authority go one record that the Commissioner only has about 60% of the appropriate manpower and that he is to staff his department immediately or resign his commission? Effectively, he is causing the opportunity which generates the crime.

    My district commander has no frickin' officers and the higher ups require that he keep his mouth shut on that subject. It's really time for constituents to demand a competent police administration.
