Tuesday, June 6, 2006

June 6

Health Commish: OD deaths are down thanks to Narcan.

MD Court of Appeals: car insurance doesn't have to pay for injuries incurred if one is shot while being carjacked.

Councilman Kenneth Harris wants answers about why the city's arresting baseball fans and clergy, decries "insulting", "childish" tone of letter from the mayor's body double Marcus Brown.

Next on Judge Judy, cunty daughter Ruvette Miller is accused of stealing her father Rufus' identity, going on shopping spree.

Lock up the Mauviel: Theft of copper materials in up since the price of the metal rose earlier this year.

HowCo Hell: a 14-year-old was arrested for robbing a pizza-delivery man. And smoking in bars and restaurants is now illegal.

What the?! Ken Taylor, an armed security guard, was arrested after ranting and cursing at EMTs and police at the site of a fatal crash on 495.

Dept. of Crap Reporting: In spite of a recent spate of murders, the Sun serves the public good by reporting on birds that live in Home Depot. There's a special hell for fluff reporters, one in which they're forced to stay up all night, isolated in a building near the Holland Tunnel, fighting like jackals for baby pictures.


  1. To recap: the attitude of Dep. Commish Marcus Brown in response to false arrests is [paraphrased] "either allow us to falsely arrest people or we'll let hoodlums commit crimes against you." Nice.

    When will the citizens of this town demand that chumps like this be fired? Brown, Hamm, and O'Malley. Write the Mayor and demand that he publicly repudiate this position.


  2. But the bird story is important. It shows how some stores are just ignoring the problem of theft of bird seed from some birds, while others have a zero tollerance policy. Sounds just like another organization in Baltimore. Ignore things in one area and have a zero tollerance in others...

  3. ... and switch up the rules at random...

  4. Um, didn't you just report on a spoiled child who stole daddies credit card out in Baltimore County? Not exactly riveting stuff.

    I liked the bird story, I've always wondered about the Home Depot sparrows. We have killins all the time and, frankly, the murder stories get a bit repetitious.

  5. Why is the FBI getting involved in investigating the death of businessman found dead in the Belvedere?

  6. Yes the murder stories are repetitious Cham, but realistically.... isn't that a major part of what goes on in Baltimore?

    I use to read them and say " Oh My god" then I became touched personally, in my family.

    All I'm saying is murder is something that shouldn't be commonplace for us, but it's an unfortunate reality of life in Baltimore.

  7. The Police shot a dude last night in Waverly. All he did was pull a shotgun on them during a traffic stop on Greenmount.


  8. from the 5/22/06 DNR:

    "In response to a shortage of more than 130 officers and a 13 percent rise in violent crime earlier this year, the Baltimore City Police Department has made a push to get more of its existing force on the streets."

    Here's the real deal:

    we are now down 160 sworn officers and will lose another 20 this month due to retirements. That's down about 30% from where the force ought to be, as per Commissioner Hamm's statements to a group of disgruntled residents of the Northern & Northeast districts. So expect it to get worse.

    This is why crime has spiked double digits, which is consistent with the cause-and-effect outlined by Chief of Patrol Owens.

    That we have outrageous crime is... entirely predictable, given the inept conduct by the current administration. Morons.

    Now, how about Hamm's contention that the pay cut a rookie takes to work here has nothing to do with the shortage... let's see... we shoot at cops here [see today's Sun story on the shotgun-brandishing fugitive who shot it out in Waverly last night].

    Nah, I'm sure sub-standard pay and extraordinary hazard without backup personnel have nothing to do with the failure of the Police Department to attract viable candidates.

    Fire Hamm. (sounds like a BBQ, doesn't it?)
