Thursday, June 8, 2006

June 8

The man police shot in Waverly on Tuesday was named as Darryl Haskins, 24.

anuThe un-meaning of life: a reader sent the link to the mysterious, creepy myspace profile of Anuradha Ramasamy.

The CP recounts 12 murders from May 27-June 4. Darnell Spearman, Derrick Taylor, Donye Blackston, Odell Wagner, Donte Hudson, Marlo Lomax and Oumar Bah.

Rey Rivera's widow doesn't believe that her husband's death was suicide.

Death of Herman E. Bullock: tragic, yet "very justified."

Nina Tarkovskaya is mysteriously missing from Pikesville.

"2 white people"= illegal info.

Ink reports on murders from May 22-30.

Stinky human remains were found in Owings Mills.

Darrell Miller got 45 years for his part in killing cab driver Derald Guess.

Christopher O'Brien is charged with strangling Katherine White in Maryland City, AAC.

William Shull, a 64-year-old newspaper deliveryman, was stabbed in the line of duty in Essex.

Examiner publisher Michael Phelps (not the gawky-hot swimmer) apophasises, prolepses and paralipses that the reason the paper's so hard to find is because Sun circulators are stealing his papers out of the box.

Wicked retahded: "The plea means Jenny Parks, the public defender for Delcarlos Johnnie Jacobs, said he believes he did not have the mental capacity to understand his actions of Feb. 1, when five different police officers say they either heard or saw Jacobs shoot an assault rifle at them."

Finally good PR re. Maryland men: Britney's hairy godmother is from MD, attended Naval Academy, played lax.

A lady's purse was snatched in front of the Roland Avenue Eddie's.

I love you, Officer Bazzle of the Northern! I came home from an errand and my neighbor gave me an officer's name and phone number and said that the Northern had my stolen bicycle. I didn't even know my bike had been stolen-- turned out, in the two hours I'd been gone, three teenagers pried open my garage door and took the bike (and broke into a few other garages as well). The police caught them more than a mile away, and the officers managed somehow to convince one of the kids to tell him where the bicycle came from, drove them around until they recognized the garage, figured out my name from my mail, talked to my neighbor and took the bike to the station. He even put it in the trunk!


  1. Congrats on your bicycle! Sounds like you have a good police officer in your neighborhood.

  2. There's a report
    on WBAL TV from Jayne Miller and her interview with Dep. Comm. Marcus Brown.
    She begins with an incident in tony Canton Square where a guy was arrest for Failure to Obey a Police Officer's Order to leave a Public Bench.

    She also brings in comments from O'Malley from 2001 trumpeting how homicide numbers were down without an increase in arrests. Here's the relevant info:

    "The 11 News I-Team asked that question because, in 2001, the mayor touted a much lower number of arrests in an interview with The New York Times, noting that the city had finally seen a sharp drop in homicides in his first year in his office.

    Mayor Martin O'Malley told the newspaper, "We were able to do this without the overall number of arrests going up."

    Miller said the mayor was referring to the year 2000, when police made 78,000 arrests. By 2004, that number had jumped significantly to 101,281 -- equal to nearly a sixth of the city's population.

    "I'm just trying to discern if there has been a change in philosophy in this police department to move to more arrests, more arrests, more arrests, as opposed to trying to manage the crime problem without having to lock up so many people. Has there been a change in the philosophy of this police department?" Miller asked."

  3. FYI: murder is now up about 5.5% over this time last year.

  4. what's the robert chambers strategy?

  5. re: the bicycle, good news.

    we have some very good cops in Northern, just not enough by quantity.

  6. ... now I have to go testify at Juvie!
    The "Robert Chambers" is to claim the incident was kinky-sex related. Like the poor girl's family hasn't been through enough.

  7. Have fun testifying. When you walk through DJJ take a look at all those kids. . .


  8. I've been silent for a long time. But no more.

    Here are the facts;



    -I've never lied about one thing
    -A civil case was never even considered against me.
    - I agree with Judge Alpert. I was surprised as well that there was not more of an extensive investigation.
    - My record has since been expunged. Meaning the arrest doesn't even exist anymore.
    I was a victim of terrible police work.
    To rip a man away from just finding his dead girlfriend to interrogate him and hold him against his will is sick. I was hysterical and badgered in a good cop / bad cop manner while giving my statement with zero compassion. Then to lock me up on one discrepancy in my statement???!!!!!
    Thats it! That was there case. Further investigation would have easily confirmed my whereabouts as well as phone records that prove she was very much alive after I left. Instead I get thrown in BCDC and wait 8 months for the trial for these simple things to be revealed and to be released.
    These are the stone cold facts.(which were clearly presented in trial)
    This is the reality that is the Baltimore System.
    Its disgusting and it could happen to you.

    This has been the most painful experience of my life.

    Now thanks to Google its the first impression I have to live with when people Google me.

    I ask you to please take this post down.

    Lies and laziness by Baltimore Police have caused me and my family enough pain. This post continuing to be up with no relevance now helps continue that pain.

    Please shoe some class and decency and do the right thing.



  9. P.S. I respect what you're doing with this blog. Baltimore is a dangerous city and these stories should be told.

    But the bottom line is I'm 100% innocent.

    And after that was declared the system had absolutely no problem wiping it from my record. Partially because it protects them from a lawsuit from me.

    So literally the only public record left from this nightmare is your blog. Its your right to free speech and I respect that. But I'd like to believe your intentions with this blog is a public service. Not terrorizing an innocent man.

    Thats all I have to say. You will never hear from me again. Revisiting this over and over again is pure torture for me.

    I hope you find it in your heart to do the right thing.

    Thank you,

    Tommy Ryan
