Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Where are they now?

A reader wrote to ask whatever became of Brent Allen Gates, which is a very good question.

In 2004, Gates was indicted on felony theft charges. Said the Sun in 2004,
An officer in the city Police Department's organized crime division has been charged with stealing $1,400 from a man he had stopped for running a red light on a scooter, prosecutors said.

Officer Brent Allen Gates, 30, surrendered yesterday after a grand jury indicted him on charges of felony theft and misconduct in office. Gates, who was hired in 1999, has a role in about 40 pending criminal cases that could now face additional scrutiny, according to court records.

Neither Gates nor his attorney could be reached for comment yesterday. If convicted of theft, Gates could be sentenced to up to 15 years in prison. If convicted of misconduct, he would face whatever penalty a judge deemed fair.

The charges against Gates stem from a June 2 traffic stop in the 2300 block of Ashland Ave. in East Baltimore. According to Assistant State's Attorney A. Thomas Krehely Jr., the man on the scooter pulled out his identification and with it came at least some of the $6,300 he had in his pocket. The city state's attorney's office has confirmed that the man received money in a settlement for a traffic accident, Krehely said.

Krehely said Gates requested the money and took it to his car. Another police officer told prosecutors that it appeared Gates counted the money, according to Krehely.

Krehely said Gates returned a wad of money to the man, issued him three traffic tickets and, when the man started to count the cash, told him to drive away. The man rode the scooter a short distance, counted the cash and discovered he was missing $1,400, Krehely said.

The scooter's driver, Tony Julius Robinson, called police to report his money missing, Krehely said. The other officer followed Gates to a liquor store, where Gates entered the bathroom, Krehely said.

The prosecutor said the second officer waited until Gates left the bathroom, entered and found about $500 hidden behind a mirror.

Krehely said the second officer left the money in the bathroom and called his superiors. A short time later, officers with search warrants recovered the $500 in the bathroom and $400 from Gates, Krehely said. No other money was found, he said.
In June 2005, we reported, "the theft and misconduct in office trial of Baltimore City police officer Brent Allen Gates, 30, of Essex, Maryland, is scheduled to begin 9:30 in the morning on Monday, June 6 before Judge Joseph Kaplan, 227b Courthouse East."

I didn't think of the case again until I was reminded. Looked it up on the case search, and it says that he divorced his wife Heather Lynn in 2003. Also that both the theft and misconduct charges were "NOLLE PROSEQUI."

So what happened? Said the State's Attorney's office, "Brent Allen Gates had his charges dismissed on June 5, 2005. In exchange for the State dismissing his charges he had to resign from the Police Department and is not to work in law enforcement any more."

A pretty sweet deal. So now you know.


  1. its impressive how a story like that can get buried. I'm sure the dismissal wasn't reported in the Sun

  2. The Sun? Oh, I'm worried about the Sun.

    If the reporting continues to be so biased and readership falls, then they may go entirely online.

    And then what will there be which is so appropriate to wipe my ass with?

  3. You could use the O'Malley/Brown fliers...

    There's one large one hanging up near my place - a lovely sight for when i'm headed to class..

  4. Well, as we close in on mid-year, please note that we in Baltimore are on track for half the annual total murders of the entire city of New York. In case your forgot, New York is fifteen times our size.

    Get a gun... and Get In On It.

  5. Hi Everyone,

    This was posted on the Oakenshawe site. Did anyone know this happened in our neighborhood?? This went on for 2 hours??? Where the hell were the police????

    I'm not sure if this is correct place to post this, but I just wanted
    to let the neighborhood know that last night, Mon June 26, at
    approximately 10pm, our next door neighbors at 407 Southway had their
    home invaded by a masked man carrying a loaded gun. He demanded that
    the residents of the house (which is rented by four individuals) give
    him their valuables/cash, otherwise he would kill them. He then forced
    one of the residents to go to her ATM and empty her bank account.

    One of the more incredible aspects to this terrible crime is that,
    before he took the woman to her ATM on Greenway (B of A), he marched
    the other three residents down Southway and had them wait at the corner
    of Southway and Barclay. He did this while wearing his mask and
    holding his gun, yet no one in any house or car saw this happen. The
    entire invasion lasted about 2 hours, with the residents at gunpoint
    the entire time.

    Obviously, Oakenshawe needs to get VERY vocal about crime and the need
    for additional police resources because if any of us want to see this
    neighborhood remain the wonderful place it is, we can't let this kind
    of thing happen again.

  6. Someone on the guilford site actually wrote this guy and told him if he doesn't like it here to move. This was his post:

    FYI, on the night of June 20, at around 9:45 pm, a rock was thrown through my front window
    in the 4400 block of Norwood Road. The Security Patrol guard said a group of four black
    teenagers was believed responsible but they fled the neighborhood.

    Baltimore City Police were typically useless, arriving 20 minutes after the incident. Our
    security patrol stopped by twice in the time it took police to arrive.

    Just thought people should be aware that teens are on the prowl looking for trouble.

    If only Guilford were a gated community. It seems that's the only way to find safety in

  7. Cybes,

    This is the same incident I'd related in June 26th comments.

  8. yep,

    If the BCPD had done what I told them a few hours before and beefed up the patrol in the hazard zone, which is three blocks in length and spills into the 400 block, Southway, there's no way this incident could have gone on outside the house and he'd have been either deterred or apprehended. Entirely preventable.

    But the Northern District has no frickin' manpower. Lenny Hamm should walk. Really. And Martin NO'Malley can go with him.
