Thursday, July 13, 2006

July 13

The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Phillip Carter, 19, and Latar Bradshaw, 23, both of the 3100 block of North Bruce Street; for attempted murder and robbery. Gregory Kulla, 37, was indicted for accessory after the fact. Court documents allege that on February 25, after witnessing a minor traffic accident westbound in the 200 block of East Fayette Street between the victim, Carl Schoettler, 74, and Gregory Kulla, Phillip Carter and Latar Bradshaw, who were across the street at a bus stop from the accident, walked across the street and punched Schoettler in the head. Kulla allegedly drove Carter and Bradshaw away from the scene.

At a hearing today, Ronald McClary, 60, of West Pratt Street, pled guilty to second-degree murder. Judge Allen L. Schwait sentenced McClary to 12 years(!!) in prison. On September 20, 2005 McClary shot and killed his wife, Eartha McClary, 44, in their home.

At a bail review hearing today for David Piccione, charged with kidnapping, second-degree assault, false imprisonment and reckless endangerment, Judge Barbara Waxman ordered Piccione held without bail. He was initially held on $500,000. A preliminary hearing was scheduled for August 11 in North Avenue District Court.

A 20-year-old man was fatally shot in the face outside an Edgewood home yesterday.

A 28-year-old died after being stabbed (#139) on Sheridan Ave. in North Baltimore, and a victim is in critical condition after being shot in the head in West Baltimore.

An officer in South Baltimore fatally shot a suspected gunman during a foot chase in Pigtown.

40-year-old Mark Anthony "Cat" Brooks is being sought for the murder of Russell Eugene Duckworth Jr. on June 24 in Cherry Hill.

21-year-old Chase Maran Williams was arrested for stabbing Ravens linebacker Roderick Green.

A shooting at a Glen Burnie Sunoco station resulted in one victim being admitted to Shock Trauma.

Testimony about a "blue granular substance" found on clothes at the crime scene where three children were murdered in 2004.

Kevin Siler was sentenced for raping a 17-year-old girl on April 25, 1981.

Gary Roger Chamberlain got four years for molesting a 10-year-old girl. The girl and her family recanted their story and said the attack never happened.

Questions in the Lamar Owens rape case as to whether the accuser invited him back to her hotel room while she was drunk.

Three men were arrested and charged with robbing a Jessup hotel, and have been linked to other robberies in the area.

A Parkville gun dealer lost his license but still gets to sell his 700-piece inventory.

Three people were charged with trying to smuggle heroin into the Western Correctional Institution.

Things have gone to hell in a hurry in DC, with tourists robbed at the mall, a British citizen's throat slit in Georgetown (and a police officer urging residents to report any suspicious activity, like, say, the presence of black people) and the police chief declaring a city-wide "crime emergency."


  1. Chase Maran Williams got a PBJ in Baltimore County for possession of marijuana. His probation ended on May 31, 2006. Otherwise seems to have a clean record. Of course he's only 21, so he may have stabbed lots of people as a juvenile.

  2. Just got back fromn District Court. My offender is fta, so a warrant will be issued. Because these guys are unattached, the warrant will probably be left unserved until I catch him breaking into someone's house again. (Maybe they should just deputize me to serve the darn things.)

    While waiting for the case to be called, I watched a young male from hereabouts without prior record get one year suspended and community service hours for a weapons (possession) charge. Suspended? I thought we were gonna be tough on weapons? Guess I misunderstood.

  3. My understanding is that we're only being tough on weapons when a convicted felon is involved. Of course, I'm not sure the suspected shooter who just got killed by the BPD would agree.

  4. mmm.. weed and PB & J...

  5. Weed & Probation Before Judgement?

    sounds right

  6. We all like to talk about O'Malley, but what's the deal with Anthony Williams? I don't know anything about the guy, other than he's got to be better than Marion Barry was.

    Considering the DC population is about 550,000 and they've had 96 murders so far, and our population is about 635,000 and we're up to 139, it seems like Williams is doing something right. But I wonder what is causing this recent crime outbreak?

    And how is DC's political structure different from ours? Do they have the Strong Mayor thing happening? (And I don't mean O'Malley's strong, I'm referring to the fact that he controls 3 of the 5 votes on the Board of Estimates.)

    Really, what I'm asking is whether or not we should all sell our houses so we can put a small down payment on a 1-bedroom apartment in DuPont Circle?

  7. Hey Galt, if a judge is making a decision like that then isn't part of your beef with the judge? What were both sides arguing that the judge decided it was a safe bet that a slap on the wrist was sufficient? Or is the problem really with probation and probationers?

  8. It was just a really lenient plea. The defendant was seemingly nonthreatening, the ASA (whom I know, and is good at dealing with the hardcores) apparently wanted to cut him a break, subject to keeping him on a probationary leash for a year, and the public defender was clearly delighted.

    On the matter of DC criminal justice, DC has about 10% more probationers per capita than MD, but approx. 3 3/4 times as many parolees per capita. I haven't quite rationalized what gives rise to that result. [I find that neither the federal judicial district nor the superior court for DC seem to indicate the number of arrests there. Maybe it's a jurisdictional confusion on my part.]

    In addition to their 3700-odd full-time sworn Washington Metro Police officers, they also have about 1200 federal law enforcement officers per 100M population, whereas the national average is 29 per 100M population. That's a big boost and I surmise it's why their ultra-violent crime is better controlled. Property crime is still kinda bad.

    Hey, if I dress up my neighbor as Osama and stash him in his basement, do you think the feds will dispatch 1200 officers per capita to Baltimore?
