Saturday, July 22, 2006

July 22

Unfuckinbelieveable. Or entirely believeable. After mounds of resources and thousands of hours of effort, Tyrone Beane is not guilty. At least he's still in jail. (& I'm still in China, just dropping in to express general disgust. BTW reading Blogger is forbidden here, but blogging is not. Go figure.)


  1. Expressing general disgust?

    Hey, waitaminute !!
    That's my job.

  2. I keep finding myself wondering "Who is John Galt?"

    *grins and ducks*

  3. I'd say it's completely believeable. Nothing new about murders in Baltimore getting away with it...yay for the justice system!

  4. Wow. Your blog is a real eye opener. A few days ago the Washington Post ran a fluff piece in their weekend Real Estate section on the Live Baltimore campaign, it was all about people moving away from D.C. to come to Charm City. The article had a pic of a cute young white chick standing in the middle of a street that looked like it could use some fixing. But I'm in the market for a new home, so I was intrigued. I went to Google to get some honest and unfiltered Charm City opinions, your blog came up. Thanks.

  5. First off, Beane is already in prison for 75 years. Why is the city spending time prosecuting the crimes of someone already in prison for the next 72 years? Just because of some grudge Volatile has?

    It's supposed to be a correctional system. Obviously, people on the prosecution side feel that prison is a bludgeon. What is the point of seeking a life term for murder on top of 75 years for assault? If Tyrone Beane can't become an integrated member of society after 30+ years in prison, he'll serve out the next 30+ years of his sentence. Why do we need to punish somebody more than that? Are we truly so scared of a 90 year old man being released from jail that we need to give him a life term?

  6. don't worry DC person, you'll be alright when you move to canton or mt washington or whatever. like DC has no crime.

  7. Yeah, No doubt it's much, much safer here than in DC! Move to the 21210.

  8. Survey Finds Most College Students To Stay In Baltimore Post-Graduation
    WBAL Radio as reported by Robert Lang

    A new survey of college students attending school in the Baltimore area finds nearly two-thirds say they plan to stay in the area after they graduate.
    The survey found 65% say they will stay in the area after they graduate.

  9. Actually, Baltimore is NOT statistically safer than DC. They don't call it MURDERLAND for nothing. Baltimore sucks ass, I moved away because of the crime.

  10. i think one of the biggest differences between dc and baltimore is that in dc you can almost draw a line (let's say through rock creek park) where on one side it's uniformly wealthy and relatively safe and on the other not so much. whereas in baltimore, the "nice" neighborhoods and the "bad" neighborhoods are thrown together like a checkerboard. try going to anacostia and telling the residents there that they are safer than they would be in baltimore.

    also i might be totally wrong about this, but my perception is that while overall crime is higher in baltimore, the incidents involving victims who are not involved in the drug trade tend to be more violent in dc. my simplistic explanation of this is that dc is a crack town, while baltimore is more of a dope town, so baltimore drug addicts in general are a little more chill while trying to raise money to support their habits.

  11. There are risks associated with wherever you go.

    If you move to Baltimore, you run a higher chance of being a victim of certain crimes-- especially if you aren't street smart.

    If you move out to the exburbs, you'll have a miserable commute, and a greater chance of being in car accidents, getting fat, and dying earlier from obseity-related illnesses.

    It all balances out in the end.
