Friday, July 7, 2006

July 7

At a bail review hearing today for Kemoni Sterrette, 15, charged with the first-degree murder of Justice Georgie, Judge Nathan Braverman reduced his bail from no bail to $250,000. As of 3:30 p.m., the defendant had not posted bail was being held at the Baltimore City Detention Center.

Assistant State's Attorney Julius Silvestri, a 31-year veteran of the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office, was named Juvenile Master this week to the Baltimore City Circuit Court Juvenile Division. Master Silvestri will take the bench July 31.

Police believe that the home invasions, carjackings and robberies in the northern of late are the work of one do(o)-ragged individual (wonder if all victims described the same wrist tattoos?).

The Sun's new columnist debuted today, uses "I" 42 times, calls Bmorians "provincial," compares self to Meg Ryan, speculates movie will be made about her life.

Back to vacation!

1 comment:

  1. Itchy Man and Bam also got convicted.,0,2311089.story?coll=bal-local-headlines
