Tuesday, August 1, 2006

August 1

"Irvin, a bright boy with a big smile who loved to dance and sing, disappeared Friday afternoon as he headed to the Belair Food Market to buy a snowball, his family said." - Baltimore Sun

Rest in peace, Irvin. (#159)


  1. Food for thought: while New York City has twice our murders, it has about thirteen times our population. Result: we have seven times the per capita murder rate. Nice job, City Hall.

  2. Let's hope that O'Malley doesn't do for the state what he has done for the city. And I say that as a registered (and lifelong) democrat.

  3. Right, because as we know Baltimore city was similar to Montgomery county and all the other counties before O'Malley took office.

    Only after O'Malley took office did things go to hell in a handbasket.

    <-- sarcasm, in case its not obvious.

    Sadly, I voted for Ehrlich simply because I thought KKT would be ineffective. What I(we) got in return was the ICC-- an incredibly expensive slab of concrete that will create even more exburbs and more congestion than we already have.

    The ICC, is just the kind of crap that republicans want: Northern Va in Maryland.

  4. baltimore is disappointing me. what are we a second rate city? we are dropping from the number one spot due to new orleans stepping up the pace to be the murder capitol. anything we can do to help spike the murder rate higher? being in the #2 most murderous city is kind of boring

  5. It's kinda amazing that this administration could possibly be so inept. You have monumental crime and they're dumbfounded at what to do about it.

    Hire more police, dummies. Lotsa police. Yes, I DO mean now. No, you can't just wait until someone else's watch.

    5,600 cases were null prossed last year because of shortcomings on the part of the police. The elasticity of index crimes with respect to incarcerations is -6.25. Our officers arrest about 25 chargeable offenders per sworn officer per year.

    The property crime elasticity of police officers is about -0.26

    Now, if the number of officers becomes really quite large relative to the ambient criminality (and the disincentive not to violate the law, then at some point the law of diminishing returns is going to recommend against hiring so many cops, but clearly we are nowhere near that point.

    If each cop is associated with about 25 trials to conclusion, then about 160 cops would be needed to make up for no-shows. These would also generate about 4,000 additional chargeable arrests and deter over 4,000 property crimes before they occur.

    Y'see, it's not rocket science, baby. But it is too difficult for the dummies in city hall to grasp. And, no, there's no angle to use to get money to Sheila Dixon's sister. Just hire cops. Just do your damn job!

    And yes, it's a hazardous occupation here, because of City Hall's many years of neglect. You're going to have to pay a hefty hazard premium. That's the market price. Stop whining and pay it.
