Thursday, August 10, 2006

August 10

A man was found beaten to death in the stairway of the Executive Inn Motel on Pulaski Highway (#169).

A judge will decide today if murder suspect Jason Moody can be set free because his right to a speedy trial was violated.

The family of drug suspect Cheryl Noel, shot to death during the execution of a warrant, are suing the police department.

Warren Brown: Mark Beckwith may not have acted in self-defense.

"I don't believe [that] individuals that urinate on the street are a threat to our peace."

A rash of robberies in the Sun blotter, many stolen license plates and one purloined teddy bear in the Messenger.


  1. OK, now I'm the one who's confused.

    "4-20-06 -- The Baltimore City Police Department will target 20 high-violence neighborhoods for "safe zone" interventions in 2006 as part of its efforts to combat a 4 percent spike in crime so far this year, Police Commissioner Leonard Hamm told the GBC."

    but on 8/09/06 the department says:

    The Baltimore City Police Department issued a statement: "The Baltimore Police Department does not have quotas as we stated before. Our police officers are given a lot of discretion when it comes to solving problems in their day-to-day duties. The residents of Baltimore city should be glad to know that violent crime is down 4 percent and overall crime in the city is down 7.8 percent."

    So, what, I'm supposed to believe that crime dropped 12% over the last 100 days? I do not. Not for a minute. My area has had nothing but incidents. I suspect this is about 'persuading' victims to not demand incident reports.

    Crime reporting is down, crime is not.

    We need an independent audit. The health dept. numbers do not support the administration's claims.

    Furthermore, the vastly understaffed police department does place pressure on officers to turn in sufficient arrests for the purpose of making numbers.

  2. Baltimore has about 11% greater population than DC. DC has around 115 homicides and calls that an emergency. We have about 170 now.

    So, why is this not an emergency?

    Oh, because the damn politicians want to play their little election year games. Shows you how much our frickin' mayor cares about anything but his career.

  3. But Galt... only the bad people are killing each other, right? That makes all of the murders okay, right?

  4. That's the story of the Mayor's office. There's a good article in Philly Confidential about what happens when people are desensitized to crime.

    At least the people in that city are calling for a change in administration.

    A 23 year-old kid I know just got killed up there this morning.

    It won't get any better until voters start telling politicians that they're not allowed to play around with discretionary porkbarrell spending. Back to basics, or no tax money. If policing is no good, then the rest of the budget should be frozen.

  5. I suppose what I'm supposed to do is to move into a luxurious, gated, white enclave, so I can go about my secure life with no knowledge and no interest in what crap happens to po' black folks in the 'hood. That way I can think well of my elected officials, too.

    Just leave all the casualties in the dust, like Mr. O'Malley, who lives in Beverly Hills, with a police guard outside the house.

    The new Baltimore looks a lot like the old Baltimore. Dysfunctional Baltimore.

  6. Honestly, the decorations of the city may be nicer (I like new stadiums and developments as much as the next person that can't afford anything), but the fact is nothing's really changed since the 90s. The city still remains a fundamentally unsafe place - and our politicians are basically complacent with this.

    Honestly - I'm inclined to say that this is connected to the fact that if you're an incumbent in this city (and if you have a "D" after your name) then you basically have a lifetime appointment until you a) run for another office (see O'Malley, Schmoke, etc.) or b)get bored and move on. If you look at election returns for baltimore for the past few elections you'll have solid evidence of this. Until the time comes that people gain the fortitude to get some of these bums out of office, we're going to be stuck where we are.

    ...Unless you live near the harbor, in which case you'll see police every night. :mutters:

  7. Last year I sat on my porch one night playing music while waiting to see how long it would be before a patrol car drove by.

    It was three hours. When I questioned the Commander, he indicated that it was because that night was the opening game of the football season downtown.

    Oh, ok,.. I felt so much better knowing that the tourists would be safe at night, instead of me.

  8. 2727 E. Jefferson Street
    Baltimore, Maryland, 21205
    7/ 17 / 2006

    Dear Terry Warren :

    I hope that you have read my email from last week (To Paula Branch
    )....... If not i'll repost it again.

    On (7/4/ 2006), I (witnessed an increase of DRUG ACTIVITY on the very
    CORNER of which iam two Doors from) My next door neighbors and myself
    work EVERYDAY and we are HOME OWNERS!!!! (OPEN DRUG SELLING since MAY
    2006, CANT get into MY HOUSE without STEPPING OVER THEM!!!!! around 5
    pm) at (2711 Jefferson - main STASH HOUSE including others ).

    whatever those COWARDS call themselves) are not performing WELL!!! (
    the PATROLS are inadequate) because (they LOOK THE OTHER WAY or TOO
    SCARED OF THEM!!!). I am disappointed because (WE ARE TAXPAYERS AND
    STARTING 7/12/2006, When will you REALLY REPRESENT THE 13TH
    DISTRICT???, Iam totally UPSET that MY simple request(s) are going

    To resolve the problem, I would appreciate (THAT YOU CALL Major John
    Dodson - Eastern District on BEHALF, of THE WORKING CLASS CITIZENS of
    Jefferson Street) I've noticed THAT on my off days from 12 pm - 6pm its
    very HIGH DRUG TRAFFIC on the corner of 2729 / 2711 from END TO END
    including the ALLEY of 436 N.KENWOOD where my MOTHER resides (please do
    not send the POLICE to her house!!!! )Its my observation that this IS
    TOLERATED by the EASTERN DISTRICT (they never get out of the CAR!!,
    simply just OUT OF SIGHT from 12-7??.Whatever happen to the NO
    LOITERING LAWS????????

    I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem, and will
    wait until (7/14/2006) before seeking help from a HIGHER AUTHORITY or
    THE FBI. Please contact me at the above address.


    Shavonda Thompson

  9. What if this was in CANTON or FEDERAL HILL

    •My Good Neighbor Carmalita Jones troubled son "RJ" has provided this
    very important INFO...
    • STASH HOUSES @ 2711 Jefferson and Others 2700 BLOCK
    • 2707 Jefferson Street STASH HOUSE
    • 2708 Jefferson Street STASH HOUSE
    • 2710 Jefferson Street STASH HOUSE
    • 2711 Jefferson Street STASH HOUSE
    • 2710 Orleans Street STASH HOUSE
    • 2709 Orleans Street STASH HOUSE
    • 2704 Orleans Street STASH HOUSE
    • 411 N.Belnord STASH HOUSE
    • 419 N.Belnord STASH HOUSE
    • 420 N.Belnord STASH HOUSE
    • FROM 12PM - 7PM
    • SINCE MAY 2006
    • I WANT SOME PEACE!!!!!!
