Friday, August 4, 2006

August 4

Two more murders yesterday: Howard Jones (#164) was fatally shot in the head in the Southwest just after midnight yesterday, and an unidentified man (#165) was found locked in a Lexus in Northeast Baltimore with fatal gunshot wounds to the head.

The body found in a Lansdowne elementary school chimney has been identified as Zachary Scott Miller, the 19-year-old who went missing after reporting a robbery.

We've already had 16 juvenile homicides this year, three more than all of 2005.

A memorial was held for murdered Jessup guard David McGuinn: "When I consider David, I see a dreamer, and dreamers are important in our society."

A 14-year-old boy was shot repeatedly early yesterday morning, and a 23-year-old woman was shot in the face during a robbery on Tuesday.

Oh good. The cops who interrogated Tion Jamaar Bell -- the guy who fired a stray bullet that hit a 4-year-old Columbia boy as he played in his living room -- didn't read him his Miranda rights.

An Iraq veteran who lost an arm and a leg in the war was mugged with his wife in Bethesda.

Maryland's high court decides pregnant coke addicts can't be convicted for reckless endangerment.

A Towson woman was sexually assaulted in her apartment by a home invader. A 20-year-old man was arrested and charged.

Tip to criminals: if you're going to shoot at people in a car, make sure they're not undercover cops.

Violent prison gangs? Who'd'a thunk it?

Yesterday we got a woman who embezzled $7,000; today we get a woman who embezzled $860,751.88.

Hopkins researchers are studying trash to learn about the quality of life in different neighborhoods.


  1. What was the 14-year-old doing out on the streets at 2 a.m. on a Thursday?

    What are the odds that the embezzler will, upon getting out of jail, repay over $800,000 in stolen money? what kinds of jobs do they offer convicted thieves with mediocre grades from a third-rate college? I do find it refreshing that she didn't blame it on drug addiction.

  2. maybe we should consider what DC has done and institute a 10 pm curfew for minors.

  3. Yeah, but the difference is that DC politicians are willing to admit they have a crime emergency.

    Tell your councilman that the level of crime is nowhere near acceptable (unless of course you're happy with it.)

    Request that the Council adopt a resolution demanding the hiring of many more police officers. (yes, mr. commissioner, in this lifetime.)

  4. I'm definitely way late with this but did anyone see this?

    All one line; if anyone is willing to explain how to do links in comments I'm interested.

  5. And:

    "...but the National Institute of Justice, the research division of the US Department of Justice, has estimated that as many as 80 percent of prisoners, probationers and parolees have drug- or alcohol-related problems."

  6. I think part of the reason for the decrease in drug overdoese deaths is the use of a new drug to treat an overdose. It was mentioned in a different article on this topic a while back. I think the drug was called Parvo. I'm surprised the Post didn't look into it.

  7. The one used hereabout is called Narcan, but its generic name is naloxone. A 10ml multi-use vial of 0.4mg/ml naloxone costs less than $3.00 when purchased generically.

    As a statistical matter, the high fallout rate among addicts used to keep a cieling on the length of addiction and therefore contributed to the age-crime curve's falloff. Narcan may help flatten it, which translates to more criminals over time.

  8. Man shot to death by Southern District officer plans to file civil lawsuit...

  9. Parvo? isn't that some kind of affliction dogs get?
    here is a page that will tell you how to embed links.
    And we do have a curfew. It's just not being enforced much, apparently.
