Monday, September 11, 2006

More September 11

Ameer Taylor, alleged killer of Sam Richardson, is on the docket for tomorrow morning before Judge Glynn in 236 of the Mitchell Courthouse.

Residents of Montgomery County are more likely than anyone else in America to live to see old age, while Baltimore City residents are the second least likely. But researchers say the high death rate is actually not the (direct) result of violent crime-- city residents' crappy lifestyles and poor personal habits are to blame.

Spotted: Democratic Dr. Peter Beilenson and family waving at cars on the corner of Northern Parkway and Roland Avenue.


  1. I know this is off-topic, but you bvrought up Beilenson. If I see one more lying politician's ad, I'm gonna go apesh!t.

    Beilenson should be Senator because he's got a stetho. Mfume should be Senator because he's been a very bad boy. O'Keefe should be Senator because his folks were broke, and Sarbanes should be senator because... that way we don't have to change the nametag on the desk.

    So, Ben Cardin joins the upper house because... Baltimore's just too lame to field a real challenger. Could this be the year Donald Duck goes to Washington as a write-in ?

  2. Traditionally, Mfume's platform had been advocacy of more income-transfer funding for recipients in inner cities. Just what we need: More reason for the most impoverished to further concentrate here and drive out the middle-class with high taxes and no public services.

    Beilenson's talking about the need to fund 'access' to healthcare. It's called 'Get a job and buy insurance.' "Oh, what he said! He said the J-word."

  3. Baltimore City has horrendous air quality, not to mention high levels of lead in certain zip code waters.

    I've had friends from other states move here onlt to have to move back after a few years because they start to get sick. Check out the EPA site.

    It should be interestig in about 5 years to see how the people in the newest housing fair since those are mostly built ontop of old chemical and industrial zones.

  4. Mfume and Cardin are the same guy, but Mfume is younger and more of an activist, which I like.
    BTW I endorse Mfume-- but I don't speak for galt or Chuck.
    (where is Chuck, anyway?)
