Thursday, September 21, 2006

Op-Ed by Galt

"It's just the reality of living." - Martin O'Malley, on the City's failure to provide a reasonable level of ongoing safety for the community of firebombed association president Edna McAbier of Harwood.

You cold, cold motherf#@ker, you. See the Sun article. It's pretty darn clear that they want more frickin' police! The Northern District commander responds to the challenge of higher murders in the area by noting that reported assaults are down. Yeah, reported everything is down, because the people who report get firebombed and told "it's just the reality of living." Well, reality bites. And so does this administration. Vote Ehrlich, vote Dukakis, vote FDR for all I care, but jeez don't vote this moron into higher office.

John Galt

in the news:

And for those who didn't catch Jayne Miller's piece on phony crime reduction statistics, it's here at WBAL news. I believe the administration has sent out some sort of defense of its figures.

Also, the reward for information leading to the arrest of the murderer of Antonio Gilmore of the Blockbuster in Better Waverly has been increased.

This one's got nothing to do with Baltimore, but it captures the mindset of our worst hoodlums and, it would appear, our Mayor as well. "Get over it."

Bloods and Gorillas battle it out in South Charles Village in the Sun article, but don't let that stop you from living here.

In Baltimore, government against the people steals cars, violates civil rights, and shreds the evidence.


  1. Sorry...can't...resist...Am I the only person who finds it ironic that someone who names himself after a character in an Ayn Rand novel is calling O'Malley a "cold, cold motherf#@er" for that response? I think Ayn would applaud hizonner. Not that I don't agree with JG that it was pretty effin' cold...


    Maybe the Baltimore PD should put more resources into protecting witnesses and fewer into busting college students for drinking.

  3. The quote was in reference to the city's incapability of providing enough protection for this one person, McAbier to move back into her house.

    Galt slipped in the "... to provide a reasonable level of ongoing safety for the community of firebombed association president Edna McAbier of Harwood..."

    And, no, its not the same thing.

    Does anyone else see a pattern here? This guy (galt) dumps some data, makes a somewhat reasonable case for it, but then launches into rage-fueled tirades against the targets he blames for his problems.

    What I don't understand is why this guy does not just move out. He claims to have the means, admits hating the city and the place he lives in, and does not think it will get better ...what's keeping him?

    Could it be that, psychologically, he _needs_ to be angry and hate something?

  4. "The quote was in reference to the city's incapability of providing enough protection for this one person, McAbier to move back into her house."

    The problem is much much bigger than that. If I ever saw any criminality going on (which I don't b/c I'm either at work or I have my front blinds closed) I would probably have to think about it before reporting it to the police. If I saw a building on fire, I would call the fire department, but I'm pretty sure that if I saw someone getting beat up in the street, I would stay quiet. And that really saddens me, but in Baltimore it seems that the crooks have the upperhand and the police will not protect you. Tell me I'm wrong someone!

  5. Yeah, what they don't tell you is that not only do you have to not buy or sell drugs in public, which is easy, but you also have to avoid being around people who buy or sell drugs in public, which means you only work in the downtown offices and you only live in Guilford, Roland Park, Homeland, Federal Hill, Canton, or maybe Lauraville.

  6. Sorry, meant to post that to yesterday's comment from Seby.

  7. If you see a crime occuring from your house you should:

    Call 911. Calmly and rationally explain what is going on and where it is occuring. The operator will ask you to provide descriptions of the people involved: give descriptions that are terse enough for a cop in a car to understand-- one or two sentences. The operator may or may not ask for your contact info (telephone). They may also ask if you want to talk to an officer. Say "no" if you don't want an officer appearing at your door.

    Doing the above will not get you "firebombed", in fact, it is your duty as a citizen to do it.

    What can get you hurt is if you are pointedly confrontational and show your face to the wrong people. If you intend to be an activist, there are risks associated with that.

  8. Anon, what you seem to be saying, basically, is that Baltimore really likes being a nasty, violent place and that anyone who has a problem with that should get the f#@k out!

    Yes, I do have a problem with that. The state of Maryland has certain laws which apply to every single jurisdiction within the state. They are called the Maryland Code.

    The function of providing for the enforcement of that Code is delegated in very particular ways to the County of jurisdiction, the Judiciary, and in some degree to an elected State's Attorney.

    We established many years ago that it is not sufficient that a local jurisdiction decides it doesn't care to respect the laws passed above it, nor that it will simply refuse to enforce laws it doesn't agree with. That was established during this country's civil rights struggles. The local jurisdiction has an affirmative obligation to ensure equal protection under the laws which apply to other jurisdictions.

    What you appear to be saying is that since I have the means to flee municipally-enabled oppression, I should head for Homeland, leaving behind those without the means to leave and without the experience of the outside world to know how abused they are by their government.

    Make the vocal ones leave so we can oppress the timid.

    Get In On [sh]It.

  9. Oh, no. I'm not gonna let this go.

    If you see a crime you should call 911 if it's an emergency situation requiring immediate attention and give the information as Anon stated. When they ask you if you would like to see an officer, answer "No." if you do not wish to be observed interracting. If you say "No.", understand that the officer will tend to leave if he does not immediately observe a critical emergency in front of him. If you have in mind that he/she is to stop something that he may not clearly understand or which is not obvious, and you think he/she probably won't be able to do it without your guidance, then you'd better say "Yes, I would like to speak with the officer." That may tend to expose your involvement.

    If you want something to actually change in a place like Harwood, it will not without exposing yourself to hazard. Calling anonymously will generally get you almost no response, unless the responding officer is confronted with a sufficient calamity that he couldn't possibly keep driving. Otherwise, he probably will.

    As a collaborator with Edna, I can tell you that much of what she did was measured. She was at heart a quiet person and became activist only out of frustration with a city government which outright refused to do its job. That condition continues today.

    What you are in effect saying is that if one has mainstream expectations about basic safety in this town, either learn to tolerate the City's victimization or do something about it, taking full responsibility to yourself for the associated risks, because you have no legitimate government. Or flee in terror as over half of our population has.

    Let me recommend a Gary Cooper film: High Noon. Yes, it's a western with guns & horses, but it was written to confront rather deeper ethical dilemmas about right vs. wrong.

    Just try to tell me Edna was at fault for her firebombing. But before you do so, renounce all the protections and privileges you enjoy which she did not. Where do you live? Do you live in a place anything like Harwood? How many people have been murdered on your block in the last three months? When you have lived in such a place for about five years, then come back and tell me about it, because I don't think you are qualified.

    I think you should stick to characterizing behavior in Baltimore A, where I assume you live. If I'm mistaken in that, please answer for me the questions posed above. (You really hit a nerve here.)

  10. "...What you appear to be saying is that since I have the means to flee municipally-enabled oppression, I should head for Homeland, leaving behind those without the means to leave and without the experience of the outside world to know how abused they are by their government...."


    You were (correct me if I'm wrong): stabbed twice, had your house broken into x times, been arrested 3 times, _never_ said a nice thing about the city in this blog, don't like most of your neighbors, don't like your government, etc...

    Yes. You should leave and find greener pastures.

  11. I nominate Anon for appointment to the Baltimore City office of Promotions.

    What a sales pitch: We encourage the victimization of anyone who comes here; if you don't favor that, get the f#@k out!

    We should post a banner to that effect at the new convention center.

    Anon, you seem too intelligent in conversation to be such an asshole. I'm sorry to flame, which I really don't encourage, but really..

    Are you arguing this from an ethical or strictly pragmatic perspective?

    My people pragmatically fled government-enabled oppression all over Europe for 500 years. When we re-established our homeland, we vowed it would never happen again. You're positing Baltimore as the new oppressor, from which men of good will should flee.

    I believe this State and this Nation have a duty to oppose government-enabled criminality. I believe freedom from pogroms is essential to the country's undertaking. Nonetheless, I will likely die in this hellhole, sooner rather than later.

  12. You're plucky today, galt!
    Opinions and swear woods and name-calling by galt do not necessarily refect the opinions of!

  13. I don't encourage victimization of anyone.

    Its a hard situation for Edna M. Although the ones directly responsible are effectively out of the game forever in a federal prison, there are presumably other people who would take revenge on her.

    Short of a 365/24/7 security detail, nothing would provide enough protection-- that's "the reality" that is operating here.

    I am arguing from a pragmatic perspective. I am a city resident of what you call "Baltimore A", but it was "Baltimore B" when I moved here. I stayed because I saw that things were improving, they did improve, and continue to do so.

    Although I don't take anything personally, I really don't think name-calling is helpful here.

  14. Wow..this blog is kinda neat!

  15. And someone please explain the Ayn Rand, whose books I'm sure I will never read. I know Alan Greenspan was into her and she's a fan of the "rational actor" model of neuroecomic behavior, right?

  16. The best description I ever heard of Ayn Rand's books was "a thousand pages of mediocre fiction with fifty or so pages of libertarian ideology tossed in."

  17. Actually, I'd rephrase it as fifty or so pages of libertarian ideology photocopied and repasted two hundred times verbatim into a body of mediocre fiction.

    I like her (admittedly two-dimensional characters), but the stuff really gets burdensome. She called herself an Objectivist.

    Yeah, I'm plucky today. You know, I'm not ordinarily given to four-letter bathroom talk, but the Mayor really, really teed me off.

    Anon, what you describeas progress would be a little easier to accept if the purported improvements were evenly distributed across geography. What I see happening is that the 'improving' neighborhoods are just dumping their problem populations into my back yard, where the City allows them free reign. That may not even be an improvement, except distributively.

    I probably shouldn't have taken it out on Anon. And, no, my opinions are my own, not BCrime's, so I probably should have referred to NO'Malley in proper journalistic form as a frosty, frosty incestuous male procreator.

  18. Good idea to use the op-ed vehicle, Cybes. I forget about that.

  19. ok, I'll bite. Sigh.
    What is a libertarian. Please tell me I am dying to know.

  20. To be more succinct - although maybe it's splitting hairs - Commander said **aggravated** assaults are down 35% over last year. Now the suggestion is that if we can catch the perps in time then the person will likely live of the knife they just took, the bullet just lodged in them, etc. He's suggesting that it's a game of chance how an aggravated assault will play out into a murder; how skilled is the person trying to assault you dictates the outcome of data as a "murder count". Again the inference is that the assault is somehow aimed at simply immobilizing you - but let's face it I seem to recall that at least half - someone correct me if I'm wrong - of murders by gunshot are to the head - that's not chance playing out. None-the-less there can be a shift in the equation then if the modus operandi were changing in assaults (there were less gun shot assaults and more stabbings, let's say) but that remains to be seen. The problem in their argument is that while aggravated assaults are down 35% the murder rate is roughly the same over last year - so their theory holds no logical water....

  21. Better aim?

    When lil' kids get shot, I generally go back to my thinking that we should remodel public schools to serve as public shooting ranges. I mean, they're not learning anything, we can at least cut down on the collateral damage.

  22. Wow Galt, good work buiding a case for when you go postal. So far you've talked about "taking up arms against my neighbors" and now turning schools into public shooting ranges. You can always blame it on O'Malley. . .and it will make perfect sense (sure). Or you can always cite Ayn. That would be even better.

    If you subscribe to Ayn's theory of objectivism (I'll admit, I didn't have time to read it all)(and she's probably standing on the shoulders of giants anyway) then wouldn't it stand that just because you think you live in hell it doesn't mean that you actually do? I mean, sure there are problems and yes this city is wack...

  23. You know whats really sad?? O'Martin
    will be re-elected again .... and his CHEERLEADERS up in the HILLS(Federal or Bolton) are well PROTECTED(theft from your vehicle makes the police blotter every week in the SUN!!lol).. along with every other citizen residing in a OVERPRICED$$ rehabed home from the early 1900's!!!

    ....blinded by the fact that you'll never have to face the problems HARD WORKING BLUE COLLAR folk deal with everyday....I would love to live in your NEIGHBORHOOD(only if i can move my home, it was paid for in 99')and only have to worry about where to PARK MY CAR!!!which PARK to walk my DOG and which streets i should JOG after 5PM!!!life would be good in the CITY THAT BLEEDS!!!
