Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Primary Day '06

It's Primary Day!

The Sun's got the first stories of the effed-up poll machines. As you may have already found out firsthand today, brand-new machines are being run by untrained or badly-trained workers, polls didn't always open on time and in some areas machines and/or election judges, in particular, Republican judges, did not show up at all!

NEVERTHELESS, the board of elections voted against extending voting for another hour in Baltimore City! Judge Holland shot them down and polling places will be open until 9-- but if you haven't voted yet, go to the polls now!! (and bring something to read in line)

Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. 9 p.m.
Though here at the blog we probably disagree on who to vote for, we love election day! Especially local elections, because your vote might even matter.
Some tips:

  • Check your polling place online or on your voter registration card before you go-- it may have changed since the last election.

  • You do have to be reigstered with a party affiliation to vote in this here primary election. Sorry, independents, libertarians, Greens, communists, etc.

  • Did you know? In the city you'll also be voting for members of your party's central committee, Clerk of the Court, Circuit Court Judges, Orphan's Court judges, State's Attorney, register of wills and Sheriff. Surprise!

  • So do bring notes (we like the LWV info sheet)-- written materials are allowed, and you don't want to just vote for whoever happened to get a flier in your face.

  • If you don't know the candidates or can't decide, you can just skip a category.
    Your other votes will still count.

  • Before you go, find your city council district and figure out what district of your party you're in. Repulicans are district 3, 4, 6, 10-13, Dems are 40, 41, or 43-46.

  • If you have your voter registration card, you may or may not be asked for ID. Just in case, it's a good idea take your license, passport or a bill (utility, phone, tax assessment with your name and address).

  • You can take your kids inside with you, but not your dog(s).

  • For more info or help use the board of elections site or the "Voter Empowerment Hotline" at 1-888-678-VOTE.

*Assuming your vote does count. So far I haven't talked to a single person who has a scrap of faith in the new Diebold® system.
The Friends-of-Cheney company made $90 million on the machines (just in MD), but couldn't have people on hand to train workers and make sure the machines functioned?
I'm starting to get why so many readers hate Republicans more than Hezbollah ...!


  1. If only they had all opened at 7...

    Today will definately be remembered for a long time as one of the signs the diebold voting machines were a bad goddamn idea.

  2. Do you really think so?
    I don't, I think "it" could do a whole, whole lot better. With some pretty simple steaps, really. Like getting basic organization in the courthouse so proceedings can start when they're supposed to.

  3. I'll tell you what. In most other part of the country, people operate with a built-in bullsh!t meter. It goes off when bullsh!t exceeds a reasonable threshold.

    If a country judge hears too confabulated an excuse in defense or for postponement, his bullsh!t meter goes off and he announces "No, I'm not going for it."

    Baltimore people have had their bullsh!t meters desensitized by abusive excusing. Recalibrate those meters, people. If it sounds like crap and it smells like crap, it probably is. People need to return to reasonableness.
